Thursday, July 2, 2015

What Motherhood Looks Like Right Now


I read a blog post recently, where the woman talked about what motherhood looked like for her right now.  I really enjoyed it and wanted to document the same for me because I know there are many little things happening right now that I want to make sure I remember.  (Granted, my list is very different from her list because she has a four-year-old boy and I have a month old girl who sleeps 90% of the time.)

So, for my future, scatter-brained self and anyone else who cares, this is what motherhood looks like right now:

Snuggling.  Lots of snuggling.  And a constant inner struggle to determine if I should put her in bed for her naps, or if I should just keep snuggling.  Guess which one almost always wins.

Being that paranoid new mom who keeps checking to see if my baby's breathing while she's sleeping because she seems so still.

Taking a trillion photos of each expression she makes because we swear it's different than it was before.  Or maybe we just don't have a photo of the expression with that outfit.

Loving that she is starting to grasp more.  She holds on to my shirt and my fingers tighter than she used to, and I can feel her grab my side more when she eats.

Balancing and bouncing a baby to sleep in one arm while trying to hold a book in the other.


Wondering if we have time to run to Target in between her meals.

Cracking up at the faces she makes.


Sobbing/cry-whispering, "You're ok.  We're ok," when she cries inconsolably.

Disbelief at how fast she is changing on me already.

Crying when I think about potential hurts she will face in the future.

Laughing because we literally cheer her on while she massively fills diapers because we know that means a happier baby.

Having a love/hate relationship with nursing.  It's rough, but I love the passed out little cutie it results in.

Watching as she fills out.  Her skinny newborn fingers are turning into pudgy infant hands, and her wrinkly leg skin is disappearing and being replaced with small rolls.

Denial that I'm going to have to go back to work and be away from her all day.

All in all, motherhood looks pretty great right now.  This little babe is so sweet, it almost hurts.




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