Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Daddy's Girl


Last week was a pretty big one for little Miss Evelyn.  She had her first Target shopping trip.  She slept through the whole thing, but I assured her that she'll learn to love it, and we'll have many mother-daughter dates there. 

She also got to go meet all the people her mom works with. (And looked super fashionable while she did it.)

She met her Aunt Katie, and they really hit it off.

Kristie Rude's photo.
She attended church for the first time.
[That is Jered's "why are we taking a picture of this?" face.]
She finished her first painting project! (A girl after her mom's heart!)
Speaking of her dad... he's pretty great.  As much as I want to hog her and hold her all the time, I love watching her with him.  From the moment I saw him lay eyes on her, he's been so proud of his little girl.

Almost without fail, he will take care of changing her diaper and burping her before/during her meals if he's home.
I love to hear him whisper sweet words in her ear.  He tells her how much he loves her, how beautiful she is, and how she will never be "sitting in a tree- k-i-s-s-i-n-g" because she's never going to date.
He spent an hour playing his harmonica and singing to her one afternoon.  She was attentive the whole time.  Yesterday we were telling her all the things she could be when she grows up, and he was really pushing for blues player.
He, who fell asleep in between grabbing me a cup of sherbet and actually giving me said sherbet, hardly misses a chance to snuggle with his girl.  No matter how tired he is.
He's constantly kissing her and giving her Eskimo kisses and nuzzling her softly with his scruff.  He searches her out as soon as he gets home from work.  I've never seen him use his camera so much before... even when there's a fish involved.
[Wearing her "I hooked Daddy's heart" onesie which seems exceedingly appropriate considering...]
[her dad caught their biggest fish yet just a couple days after she came home.]
[So far she seems to be in the disinterested to disgusted
range of emotions when it comes to fishing.]
The more I watch him love her, the more I love him.  My heart must be growing like the Grinch's every day because I can hardly take my eyes off of them. 

Well,  I'm trying to finish this letter on my phone, which is a bit tricky,  so I'm going to leave any more that I have to say for later.


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