Monday, June 22, 2015

Another Dose of Cuteness


So.  Our daughter, Evelyn.  Evie.  Petrie. (She makes a sound that sounds like a pterodactyl.)  Precious.  Cutie patootie.  Sweet girl.  Squeaker.  Little one.  Just a few of the names she has been called already.  We're really going to have to settle on a nickname, lest she become extremely confused about who we're addressing.

I know all parents think they have the cutest kid.  But seriously- we have the cutest kid.  I could literally stare at her all day.  Literally.  Except for the fact that I would probably fall asleep because I always want a nap.  But give me some caffeine every hour or so, and I would stare at her non-stop.

She takes my breath away.

Not only with her stunning good looks, but with the funny expressions she makes.  (Usually when she's working on some business.)

Ok, just prepare yourself for the onslaught of photos coming your way... right now. 

[She loves her daddy.]
[Outrageous kicks have continued in the outside world.]
[She is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.]
[Our first day at home]
[Getting loved on by Grandma Kristie and Grandpa Eric]
[You are going to get so sick of photos of my sleeping girl.  I can't help it though.]
[Dad usually takes over burp duty... and we love post milk comas. Ha.]
[Early morning milk comas and baby toes are some of my favorite things.]
[Those lips!]
[So nursing is hard.  Sometimes knowing I'm going to see her cuddled up on my
lap like this at the end is the only thing that gets me through her meal.]
[Snuggling with Grandma Beth]
[Our serious little girl]
Hopefully you're enjoying these photos at least half as much as I do.  If I didn't have the real deal right in front of me, I could stare at them all day.  And maybe once I've gotten around to sharing them all with you, I'll have more space in my brain to think out some of what I want to tell you about this sweet little girl.
Talk to you later.

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