This is the twelfth day of the writing challenge in case you're keeping track. Almost half way through! (Just forget the fact that we're not sticking to the writing every day part of the challenge.) Today's prompt: a person, thing, place, or time of my life that I miss.

Boy howdy. Remember that one of the words I used to describe myself was sentimental. Try as I might, I cannot limit this post to one "thing."
(I would love to share never-before-seen photos of each, but that's kind of the point. It's been too long since I've seen these people, or been to these places, so you're getting re-run photos.)
I miss the beach. Any beach- I'm not choosy. I just ache with the desire to sit in the sun, to have hot sand in between my toes, to feel that ache in my calves from trudging through it, to feel the refreshing waves crash against my legs, and to relax, listening to the sound of the ocean.

I miss college. Almost everything about it. Maybe not deadlines- but learning, being challenged, even working my rear-end off. The schedule of college life is awesome, is it not?? Boy, I would love to go back to having random time off in the middle of the day. And living with your friends all around you? Don't get me wrong- I love living with Jered, but it's definitely different.
Which leads me to what I miss most about college- being close to your friends all the time, and having the ability to hang out whenever you feel like it, without having to plan a road trip.

And while I love our life in Des Moines (it's still a much better fit for our personalities), I do miss our Chicago life very much. I miss walking in the city, the speedier driving, the view from our apartment, the close proximity of the beach, my jobs and access to the gym, the anonymity of living in such a vast place, and mostly our group of friends.

Speaking of my Chicago jobs, oh how I miss my nanny family. Not only do I miss the ornery/hilarious/sweet boys I quickly grew to love, but I miss their mom and the friendship we were able to build. I honestly could not have dreamed up a better experience. (Although I did dream last night that the boys were really into suspenders now. One set was covered in old-school Mickey and Minnie's. And that was pretty awesome.)

I miss my family. My immediate family, my extended family, my husband's side of the family. All of them. (Another great thing about college life: it allows you more time to visit family than the real world does.) The older I get the more I realize how blessed I was growing up to be constantly surrounded by extended family, to have grown up in such a strong and loving family.

Lastly, and mostly, I miss my grandpa. It's the deepest ache of all mentioned today. I may have only seen him a couple days out of the year. Only talked to him a handful of times each year. But I still knew he was there. That he was walking the hall, visiting the pond, talking to my grandma in the place I love so much and that was so dear to him. Oh, I miss him. I miss his chuckle, his humor, and his scruffy kisses.

I have a picture somewhere at home, of me, Dad, and Grandpa Bill sitting on the porch swing in Mississippi. I was just a little girl. It is one of my favorite photos of him. My goal is to find it this weekend when I'm home for Easter, so that I can bring it back with me. Man, I'll love my grandpa. Always.
Ok, that's enough. I've got to keep the emotions in check for now.
Til next time.
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