I didn't really mean to put this letter off until today, but it is appropriate because today's prompt is all about things that make me happy. Fridays certainly do that. Not counting Fridays, I am supposed to share ten things with you.

I thought we'd keep it extra light today, so I'm going to tell you ten simple things that bring me joy. You should probably listen to THIS SONG while you read. Catch my happy!

Am I right? Anything Disney just thrills me. I saw this picture and just about died of excitement because I wanted to look through the whole thing and identify every character. I have a particular fondness of the older ones though. I mean who doesn't see the following picture and die from nostalgic bliss?

Sorry family- this one isn't about you. It's about being tan. I love, love, love being tan. (I told you we weren't getting too serious today.) I know it's shallow. I know it's bad for me. But being brown makes me feel a million times better about myself.

Oh my. Seriously- these turn me into a child. I could eat them until I get sick.

Musicals. Broadway. Film. Who cares? I love them all! (Ok, I did not love Cats.) But come on- Oklahoma, Mamma Mia, Meet Me in St. Louis, Wicked, Grease, anything Elvis??? How can someone not become instantly happy while watching these?

I don't know what it is about them, but every time I slip into my black skinny jeans, I like my outfit at least ten times more than I do wearing any other pants. Weird? Maybe, but it makes me happy.
I've never cared about receiving flowers as a gift, but I do like the idea of having fresh flowers in our apartment. They're so cheerful and lovely, and recently I've fallen in love with peonies. They're just so plump and full and the orangish ones are so full of happy.

Oh my word. I could eat fresh fruit all day, errr-day. I could live on it. I wish that was healthy and acceptable.

The beach makes me incredibly happy. And vacations. Vacations to the beach = the very best.

I went through a phase where I hated wearing tennis shoes. Now, I feel like I can't get enough pairs of running shoes. (Although I can't say that I'm to a place where I can rationalize having a bunch of pairs yet.) There's just something wonderful about sticking your feet into some brand new runners.

Books. Digging into a great book makes me super happy. It creates an escape, a release, inspiration, motivation. I love reading. If I could give younger students any one piece of advice, it would be to read, read, read. Always.
Well, there you have it, ten things. Some simple, some silly. All make me a happy girl.
Pretty soon, I will be hitting the road, heading toward a ton of really special things that make me happy.
Have a spectacular Easter weekend!
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