For the sixteenth day of the writing challenge, I'm supposed to tell you something difficult about my "lot in life," and how I'm working to overcome it.

I have a good life. Jered and I are extremely blessed right now. However, if I had to discuss something difficult we are dealing with right now... I guess it would be school loans. But really, that's just difficult for me. Jered doesn't get stressed out over it like I do.
The thing is, if we were both just working, I wouldn't think anything of it- we'd just work and knock it out of the picture. However, Jered's plans to go back to school mean bigger and "better" loans. More studying for him means less room for overtime at work. My current job means no opportunity for overtime. The fact that he potentially has many years of school ahead basically has us waiting to pay off those loans until he's finished.
It's forcing me to practically ignore everything that I've been taught about money. After all, I come from a Dave Ramsey-following family. (Don't worry, Dad! Being debt-free is still 100% the goal!) It's just that with more school loans coming into play, paying them all off is going to be put on hold for a while. And I hate that.
So I'm trusting that in the future, it will all pay off. Literally. And I'm trusting in my husband to take care of me, just like I know he will. And mostly, I'm trusting that we are doing everything in our power to follow God's will and that He'll continue to provide.
The other not-so-great part of Jered's plan to go back to school is the gross amount of studying it's going to take. I'm not a fan of all the time I'm being forced to share with his books already.
So, to deal with that, I'm trying to remind myself of why he's doing it. I still need to work at making the most of the time he's not studying. The weather helps with that sometimes. Going on a jog together last week was much more special than sitting in front of the T.V.
Last night we never turned on the T.V. after dinner. Instead, we just listened and sang/hummed along to a variety of music as we (mostly I) worked on the Beauty and the Beast puzzle. And it was really nice. He even played a few of his harmonica tunes for me.
Well, until next time.
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