Ok, maybe not 29,528,452, but we're going to have a buuuunch of updates coming your way, guys!
Gosh, I don't have words for what I want to share with you. Certainly not the brain power. My brain is consumed with the little angel asleep in front me.
Evelyn Lane.
My girl. My sweet little girl.
I had a girl.
We have a daughter.
I thought it would take me a while to feel connected to this little person. And maybe it is. Some women talk about an instant connection with their children. I don't know that I feel connected to her- she's a little stranger that I'm still getting to know.
But oh, how we have fallen for her. We are madly, deeply, intensely in love with her.
How 'bout I just shove a slew of photos from the hospital your way for now?

[Meet Evelyn Lane]

[Dad getting fingerprinted...Grandpa and Dad freezing as I perspired in the hospital room]

[Proud Dad... and a proud Uncle Tyler]

[A sleepy girl... and my two sleepy people snuggling on me]

[That squishy face! And that hair!]

[Late night snuggles]

[A most beautiful morning]

[Unable to leave her side]

[So snuggly]
Ok, ok. I have to stop now. But you can bet your bottom dollar that we'll be back with a billion more photos, and maybe even some storyline for you.
Until next time,
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