Today I'm supposed to give you a glimpse of my every day. She suggested a photo an hour if we'd like to, but with it being a work day, that wouldn't be too interesting for you. (Oh, and since I almost never write in the evenings any more, you get a look at a fairly typical Monday.)

I try to give myself at least an hour to get ready for work because if at all possible, I prefer to have my breakfast at home rather than at work. Yesterday was one of those quiet mornings where I slipped back in bed to eat my cereal next to a still-snoozing husband.
A touch after 8, I head downtown to go to work, and settle into my desk with my morning coffee. As you should know by now, I'm not usually so busy that I have no free time. In fact, I'd wager a guess that I'm only busy thirty percent of the time. (Or I'm doing something that I don't need to rush on and can multitask by watching a flick at the same time.)
Yesterday was of the less busy variation. Therefore, I caught up on my blog reading list, and watched T.V. shows, starting with Revenge.

And that's about how my morning goes... Oh, and have I mentioned that as the front desk person, I have to call someone to cover for me when I need to go to the restroom? Yeah, quite possibly my least favorite aspect of my job. Someday, I will have a job where I can go to the restroom whenever and for however long I please.
I've been trying to bring my lunch from home more often. I went through a nice long phase that included me going to Palmer's almost every day for the soup... But bringing food from home is really a much better plan. I read my daily Bible selection from the Bible app on my phone while I eat, and then usually have another book to fill the rest of my break. Right now, that means Captivating.

The afternoon is filled with more of the same. Although yesterday, I did have a bit of work to take up time. After catching up on my current shows, I switched to watching The Bible miniseries on Netflix. More on that later.

My drive home includes taking a glance at the beautiful downtown, and getting frustrated at people who seem to be in no hurry to get home. And yesterday, noticing how badly my windshield needs cleaning. You can tell it's getting nice out when you have bug splats all over the window, right?
If Jered had the day off or worked in the morning, I usually walk in to harmonica music. (I had to assure him that I was only taking a picture of him practicing, not recording.) And when I need a few extra hands, he helps me with dinner. I don't know if it's because he's trying to be helpful or if he's just hungry and wants to eat. Either way, I'm ok with the result.

With the beautiful weather becoming more frequent, I think it's safe to say that evening jogs are going to become more frequent as well. Luckily, I had some company for last night's.

Can we say "hurray for shorts weather?!" Now if only we could get some more hot and sunny weekends to get a bit of that darkened skin that I love so much.
While we stretched at the end of our jog, I managed to get Jered to try out some Pilates moves. If I had taken photos during that, you probably would have gotten a good chuckle out of the two of us trying to perfect the Jackknife.

Quite often, our nights end with a Redbox movie. Or in my case, half of a Redbox movie. Last night was no exception, as we settled in with our snacks to watch some movie about Dickens. I don't even know what it was called, but Ralph Fiennes was in it.

Well, there you have it. A look at a typical day. Now, if you have it in you to read a bit more, I have some more thoughts I'd like to share with you.
I mentioned I was watching The Bible series. Normally, I have a little bit of a hard time getting into the Jesus movies because the acting sometimes rivals that of Hallmark movies. Know what I mean? However, they had this playing on T.V. all Easter weekend, so we caught snippets of it on Saturday and Sunday. When I saw it on Netflix I thought I'd go ahead and watch it in its entirety. I would recommend it. Seriously, the last supper scene will have your eyes watering.
I mentioned I was watching The Bible series. Normally, I have a little bit of a hard time getting into the Jesus movies because the acting sometimes rivals that of Hallmark movies. Know what I mean? However, they had this playing on T.V. all Easter weekend, so we caught snippets of it on Saturday and Sunday. When I saw it on Netflix I thought I'd go ahead and watch it in its entirety. I would recommend it. Seriously, the last supper scene will have your eyes watering.
A different Jesus movie was playing when I got home on Friday. It looked a little cheesier, and they took even more artistic freedoms, but my mom watched it as she baked four pies that night. Later, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to her about some very real, very difficult, very unfounded fears in my life. She told me about the scene in that Jesus movie where Satan tempts Jesus.
In the movie, Satan showed Jesus all of the terrible things that happen in the future. His crucifixion. The Holocaust. Wars. He tells him that what he's doing won't change mankind. They are still going to be sinful. He will make no difference. One of the creative licenses the film took was creating a romance between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. A pure romance, and one that he never acts on because he knows what his future entails. So Satan shows him her face to tempt him. Shows him what he's giving up to follow God's will. And Jesus is pained.
While this may be freely adapted, my mom told me that the point of it was to show that Jesus does understand every temptation, every pain, every fear that we experience. And that all I need to do is pray in his name when those fears come creeping in around my heart. He understands the horrible fears I have, no matter what they are. He doesn't wish for me to be in pain, but for me to turn to him, pray in his name, and invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to shut down Satan.
And that is pretty cool. He has put that power within us.
In the movie, Satan showed Jesus all of the terrible things that happen in the future. His crucifixion. The Holocaust. Wars. He tells him that what he's doing won't change mankind. They are still going to be sinful. He will make no difference. One of the creative licenses the film took was creating a romance between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. A pure romance, and one that he never acts on because he knows what his future entails. So Satan shows him her face to tempt him. Shows him what he's giving up to follow God's will. And Jesus is pained.
While this may be freely adapted, my mom told me that the point of it was to show that Jesus does understand every temptation, every pain, every fear that we experience. And that all I need to do is pray in his name when those fears come creeping in around my heart. He understands the horrible fears I have, no matter what they are. He doesn't wish for me to be in pain, but for me to turn to him, pray in his name, and invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to shut down Satan.
And that is pretty cool. He has put that power within us.
Well, I just wanted to tell you about how I've been needing God to work in my life, or rather, what I've needed to be reminded of lately.
Until next time,
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