Saturday, September 7, 2013


Hi there.

I've come to the definite conclusion that Des Moines-ians do not know how to drive.  I'm starting to think that everyone should move to Chicago to learn, and then the world would be a better place.

Oh, I should mention that I'm doing alot more driving now because I have a job!  I am working as a secretary/assistant at a law firm downtown. 

Maybe you wonder why I'm thinking about driving at this moment though, as I have done none of it today.  It's because, since Jered has been gone all afternoon, I watched two hours of Seinfeld.  A remarkable number of the episodes include plots revolving around driving, which led me to think about my driving experiences since I've been here.

We borrowed seasons one, two, and three from some friends, and I have been watching it alooot.  (I used to hate the show with a passion... I don't know why, except for it was always the show my dad wanted to watch, and there's just an innate stubbornness in children that makes them want to watch only what they want and to hate everything else on principle.) 

Do you ever watch a show so much, that in your head, or even aloud I guess, you start to hear the characters in your voice?  Obviously, I'm not talking out loud right now, but in my head I sound like three of the Seinfeld characters.

Anyway, here's a look at what I've been working on lately:

I got the idea for this from Pinterest, but tried to put a bit of my own spin on it.  I'm rather pleased in the new representation of our first home.


 Also inspired by Pinterest: a burlap covered coffee can, turned "vase" for some of the flowers from our wedding.

I think the following are my favorites so far.  Eventually they will be part of a large collection of canvases above our couch.  I took the bird picture from Pinterest, but decided I wanted to add color to them and then decided to keep going with the animals.  Can you tell who picked out the subjects for the next two?



 And here's what we've been up to lately:

For his birthday, I gave Jered a giftcard to be spent specifically on harmonica backing tracks.  We went to a music store and found a book with the sheet music to go along with the songs on a CD.  The CD has each song, complete with the harmonica player, and then without so that Jered can just play along with the background music.  He's very dedicated to his craft.


That was actually right before my interview last week.  Jered was sweet enough to drive me downtown for two interviews last week, so I didn't have to go myself (I can get a bit nervous) and took me out for lunch afterwards each time. 

 I guess I'll keep him around...  Just because he's "soo good lookin."  (Seinfeld reference in case you were wondering.)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome Aim! So glad you landed a job! Love your latest projects too - keep 'em coming!
    And we went through all the Seinfeld seasons last year too. Growing up, I also never had a desire to watch it. But there are many episodes that had us rolling and you're right, I hear their voices and tones all too well. So funny.
