Thursday, February 7, 2013

Crazy Wife, Poor Husband

Hello there friend.

I am currently staring out the window at a nasty rain/snow mixture that refuses to leave us.  It's looking as though my rain/snow boots that I received for Christmas (for which I am very thankful!) are going to be a full time accessory for awhile.

Oh.  I just looked outside again and it's coming down even harder.  Guess I shouldn't have mentioned it at all.

I used to be really picky about my coffee.  Ok, I am really picky about my coffee.  But, I used to need, and I mean, absolutely required with no alternative, about six squirts of the creamer syrup.  You know, the super sugary, flavored kind.  However, recently Jered hooked me on Dunkin Donuts coffee with just normal cream and sugar.  After waking up much too early today, I decided it would be a nice treat.  It was.  Oh, it was.

I've read two posts by pregnant women, fairly recently, where they expressed their raging hormones, and sans the growing baby in my tummy part, I feel like I'm right there with them.  Poor Jered.  Poor, poor Jered.  Sometimes he just doesn't stand a chance.

Like the other night, when I came home late from work, and all I wanted was a snack, and we had no clean silverware, and there was some leftover cereal in the sink, and I literally shout, "Dangit Jered! Can't you take care of your stinking cereal for once?!"

(That was a really long, terrible sentence.  Thanks for putting up with me.)

Needless to say, about 30 seconds later, I had to walk in and apologize for my outburst.  True, I was hungry and frustrated at the silverware for not being ready to get me a brownie.  True, I was tired and had a small headache.  But... poor Jered.  Not my proudest moment as a wife.

Add to this, the fact that I've come home to a spotless apartment: dishes done and all, not once, but multiple times this week, and I feel really abysmal.

Good thing he loves me.

I just finished rereading the first three books of the series The Circle: Black, Red, and White.  (I've written to you about them before a couple years ago.  Read that HERE.)  Basically, in a far too small nutshell, it's about a man who enters a reality where all of the metaphors God uses to explain His love, salvation- everything- is literal.  I realize, this is a terrible description, so please, just read it yourself.

It was first introduced to me by the Flinkman family, and it rocketed to one of my favorite series.

Especially in White, I was reminded that God loves us, and if we have accepted His sacrifice, is able to see us as blameless.  And hardest of all, that we are to see others that way.  The way He sees them.

That kind of unconditional love is so hard to comprehend.  I struggle to show it to others, and I'm sure they struggle showing it to me- especially with episodes like the one this week. 

This has been a really, random letter, and I apologize for that.  My mind has been all over this week, and that is reflected in today's letter. 

I've just started reading Green, which is the last book, but starts the whole series.  I'm excited to see how it pulls everything together.  It will be the first time I've truly finished the series. 

I suppose that's it for now friend.  Remember: The Circle.  Check it out.



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