Remember how I told you I follow over ten regular bloggers? A total of over forty? I haven't been keeping up with them since Evelyn was born. At least five of them are blogs that I want to catch up on, but that means hundreds of posts. Bah.
Ok, so last time I said I was going to do a follow up on 7. Well, Molly wrote about it, and frankly, she covered the biggest points far better than I could. So rather than trying to re-say what she already did beautifully, I just want to send you over to read about her experience with the book. Ditto- to the whole thing.
A couple weeks ago Jered suggested we have a family day. He presented the idea of going to the zoo, but when the day arrived, he said we should go to Saylorville Lake instead. Oh great, we get to go fishing again, I thought. No, no! He assured me we would go walking on the trail and maybe, maybe he would cast out a net while we were there. I'm thinking, ok- he's going to toss the net out and check it after our walk.

Nope. Apparently, when one is casting out a net, one immediately pulls it pack in and recasts over and over and over. For like- an hour and a half or so. You may recall a similar story about fishing from last summer.
Not exactly what I had pictured for the day, but Evelyn and I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon underneath a shade tree, so there's that.

[Evelyn is going to have the same ability to open her eyes for outside pics as her mama.]

We also visited Raccoon River Park that night. That's right- more fishing. At least it was a pretty out.

In Jered's defense, he did read a chapter of a book aloud that I wanted us to read together. He also didn't make us stay very late because it was cooling off and the bugs were coming out. And then he took me to Dairy Queen, so we'll chalk it up to a win.

I can't be too hard on him though. He is making it possible for me to be with my girl all day. I'm watching her play with her toys as I write this.

She is the sweetest. We are so very, very in love with her.
Til next time.
I just lover her! You guys made one super cute baby. Where did you get her peach headband? Looove it.