The reality that this child is expected to make his/her debut in our lives quite soon is becoming more and more overwhelming. Exciting, but overwhelming nonetheless. I kind of feel like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. I mean, I'm not late for any important date, but I am gaining a sense of urgency when I think about what needs done B.B. (before baby, that is).
I keep finding these posts that say how soon you should pack your hospital bag, and then I think to myself, "Well that seems a lot closer than it did a week ago." (8 weeks and 1 day til J's due date in case you're pretending to care about the deets.)
Then we have to think about the other aspects of our
Like pre-registering. Oh yeah... we should probably get on that because I highly doubt I will enjoy filling out paperwork if I'm doubled over in pain, which let's face it- big baby wimp here- I probably will be.
I'm thinking that buying some nursing clothes would probably be wise if I plan on wearing them while I'm in the hospital... I don't think the mister is going to be up for a Target run at that time. (Are these necessities?-Probably not, but I'm thinking they would be nice, and I'm not going to feel like shopping for them anytime soon after birthing Flinkbaby.)
We should probably hop on deciding which stroller/car seat combo we want too because even if we aren't going to be using the stroller right away, um hello? How else are we planning on getting baby home, if not in a car seat? (Yes, that just occurred to me rather recently. No, I'm not proud of it.)
And then I get to thinking about all the things I should have ready for when we come home from the hospital. I saw this little post that I thought seemed super practical. She basically stated that she had different basket "stations" located around her home for the first couple weeks, like a diaper changing station near the couch (since she spent most of her time there) and a breastfeeding station, both stocked with anything and everything she would need during those times, such as extra onesies, burp cloths, snacks, a book, etc. It sure would be nice to start with a freshly spring-cleaned home too since I don't think it will be high on our priorities list afterwards. (hint, hint Mister.) I would also love to stock our freezer with easy meals so I can put off cooking for as long as possible post-baby. (Still hoping we will fit that project in this weekend!)
Speaking of couches, did I tell you that Jered sold our couch and loveseat set? He actually made a profit since we got a ridiculous deal on them, and we plan to use the money on a little nicer single couch since Jered is now in love with his recliner. However, that has been on the back burner recently, and we've been using the futon, which works, but is extremely bony on my back and lady lumps. So while this may seem minor in light of other preparations we need to make, I have a feeling my post-delivery self would really, really, really appreciate something more cushioned.
Anyway, back to everything seeming much closer than it used to... Jered and I still have a feeling/hope that J is going to join us before June 4. Then it hit me. "Jered, do you realize if we are right, and J comes in May, then we will have a baby NEXT MONTH?" *Exchanged glances of fear/shock/excitement*
At least the nursery is starting to take shape... slowly, but surely. Of course, the crib is one thing J will not be needing right away, but it makes me feel better, so it counts.

I'm finding pregnancy to be a time where you constantly go, "Ohh. That's what they meant by that." (Apart from all the things they do not tell you.) For instance, right now I am understanding what moms-to-be meant when they said their baby wedged its feet up into their rib cages. Thanks J. I'm sure you want to stretch, but you can't always get what you want- so please stop that now.
Well, on another, less stressful note, the mister and I stretched out on the bed last night and chatted up J for a bit, revisited our names (Jered still vetoes some of my awesome ideas), and talked about some less crucial ideas like how to finish decorating the nursery.
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