Happy, happy Friday!
A few things from this week:
Jered made me cut his hair again over the weekend. It's a strange new territory that we are in. He even wanted it shorter than last time. (He complimented my work and said it was my best job so far- high praise from that mister!)
The fisherman came home with a full bucket earlier this week. Our conversation went a little like this:
"Catch anything?"
"A few..."
He then proceeded to transfer eleven fish into the tank, including a smallish bass and a crappie.

Unfortunately only half of them made it back out to the river as live bait... the rest went belly up. The last few died as a result of breaking off the water filter, and it was terribly disconcerting as I watched them desperately try to escape one morning, making all kinds of noise, and then sinking to the bottom with their big, creepy eyes. *Shudder* Also- it is no longer a pretty fish tank. It now looks like lake water. I know what's going to be at the top of someone's to-do list this week...
It occurred to me this week that the likelihood of us going on a cruise is not good. The 1950's Titanic movie was on this week for the anniversary of its sinking. We apparently get equally creeped out when it comes to boat/submarine movies. I don't think we would be able to handle the anxiety. Yikes.
Jered and Tyler caught their first catfish of the season. They were so excited, and rightly so- it was a good sized one for their first go.
I had my first baby shower this weekend! Molly threw a really special, group painting shower on Saturday. I felt so loved. (Thank you, Molly for all the photos!)

(Molly sent me home with a tray of these delicious cupcakes, leading to a ridiculously large consumption on my part. She also made sure to incorporate a fish in the frames for Jered.)

(I thought I knew what colors I wanted to do, and then I got overwhelmed when I heard
everyone's great ideas! So many good options!)

Finished products

So thankful for great moms and sisters!

We missed Jessa and Heather!
It's been a good week. Can't believe it's gone already- they sure are flying by fast!
Talk to you later.
Such a fun idea! love those paintings!