I hope your Easter weekend was filled with love, friends and family, and joy as we celebrated our risen Savior. I also hope you have a little chocolate to munch on today because it seems to make Monday a little less Mondayish.

I just came across this list of prompts on Pinterest, and thought I'd utilize them today.
- I was challenged by the Resurrection Sunday message at church yesterday. Pastor Dave talked about why the resurrection should matter to us and poised the question, "Do we really believe in it?" I started to wonder where the evidence that I truly believe in the resurrection reveals itself in my life. How is my life different because I believe Jesus is alive? Is it?
- I am beyond thankful that Molly's parents have ushered Jered and me into their lives like family. Family is so important to both of us, and it's such a joy to have some in our new hometown. Their welcoming arms are such a gift. Cheryl even had an Easter basket for us!

(I clearly inherited Dad's inability to take pictures outside!
I swiped this picture from Cheryl, by the way.)
- I think I'm nervous about having a boy because I'm afraid of being outnumbered. I'm scared that someday I'll end up sitting at home alone all the time while Jered and the boys are out hunting or fishing or whatever, and that I'll just be the one that's supposed to have dinner ready when they get back from having fun.
- I wonder what God's plan for our future is? Bits and pieces seem to have revealed themselves, such as Jered getting into Nurse Practitioner school and a baby coming [incredibly] soon. But there's so much more left a mystery. Will I ever find a job I'm passionate about? How will Jered and I teach our kids about God? What plans for His kingdom will we contribute to?
- I wish warm weather would just go ahead and get here to stay so that I could soak up the sun as much as possible before little J makes an appearance. Yesterday was heavenly, but not enough to make a difference on my Casper skin.

- I save far too many things for the last minute. Our ever shortening timeline before J gets here is starting to make me wish I had been more adamant about making preparations all winter.
- I always have the most creative urges while I'm at work and can't do anything about them. Then, as soon as I get home, I have zero drive to do anything even though I have several little projects I want to complete before J gets here.
- I can't imagine what our lives are going to look like this summer. So many changes heading our way. What kind of mom will I be? Will I get lucky and have a super chill baby? Will our marriage maintain some semblance of romance?

- I believe my husband is going to be an amazing dad. Like outstanding. And I am chomping at the bit to see him in action.
- I promise my pre-pregnancy clothes that they will be used again. Someday. I refuse to give up the pair of jeans I bought a month before I found out I was pregnant and only got two months of wear! And I promise that Jered will be smelling "skinny Aimee"(see next bullet point) a whole lot more come the end of the summer.
- I love how much my husband makes me laugh. On the warmest day last week, he fished for a bit while I worked up a good sweat, walking the trail around the lake. He hugged me later that night and said, "You smell like skinny Aimee!" (Luckily, the wacky pregnancy hormones have made me less sensitive about comments like that.) Yesterday morning he rolled out of bed, went into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, and said, "Huh. I guess some people do wake up looking like models." During songs at church, he pulled his harmonica out of his suit pocket- I really thought he might start to play along. He sported the 20+ year old Bass Pro sweatshirt from Chadd's basement to go fishing last night. I'm so glad to have this weirdo in my life.

Well, that's it for now. Have a good one!
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