Should I start with a fishing update? I thought you'd like that. Well, this weekend Jered went out to check the poles, and when he got home, he came straight up to the apartment with some groceries.
"Nothing, huh?"
"Not necessarily."
What does that even mean?
So we traipsed on down to the truck and he shows me this guy.

Not too shabby, eh? It's close to the size of the one he caught in Mississippi last year. So he filleted it up, and we now have a full freezer again. He's planning on having a Flinkman family fish fry next week. And I say, more power to him- less work for me!
He didn't only bring home goodies for himself this weekend though. Look what he got me!

Yes, he worked his Craigslisting ways and got us a great deal on this like-new couch. It's so soft and pretty and bright and not frumpy looking like our old, albeit comfy, couches. He and Jake made this big, pregnant lady a veeeeery happy girl by moving it in this weekend. It's only about a gazillion times more comfortable than the bony futon.
(Please note the teeny-tiny clothes air-drying on the treadmill. They are all washed and smell like baby now.)
The mister has also been working on my car for what seems like forever. Before the trip to Canton, he changed the brake pads because they had been sounding horrific for about a month, and I was convinced that I was going to slide to my death because they were bound to go out at any moment. (And he thinks I'm dramatic...) He also decided to rotate my tires because it's been forever since that was done.
But then the car started wobbling. The steering wheel shook, it made a weird sound, you could feel the vibration in the pedals. It just didn't seem right. We waited it out before checking on it again until after we got back from Canton. Jered picked me up from work last week and said, "Oh, I found out why the car is shaking. We probably shouldn't drive it home..." He then proceeds to show me that the front driver-side tire is shredded on the inside. And I'm thinking "OUR TIRE COULD HAVE EXPLODED AT ANY MOMENT OVER THE LAST WEEK OR TWO?!" (Not dramatic.)
Well, all is well with the car world for at least another week I'd say. Tyler loaned us me (I'm not about to drive the pick up) his vehicle for the rest of the week/end, Jered got another tire, and my car no longer tries to live out T. Swift's song. Thank goodness.
All joking aside- I'm feeling incredibly grateful for God's protection on that one.
In other news...
Over the last few days, my thought process looked a little something like this:
So Jake's graduation, and the next big Flinkman family visit(!), is coming up soon. I keep picturing it on my calendar towards the end of the month. Only... "towards the end of the month" is now next weekend. How did that happen already?
Nate and Jess's wedding must be coming up soon too because they're getting married on the last Saturday of the month. Oh wait- that is just a week after Jake's graduation. How did that happen already?
Um, our child's expected due date is during the first week of June. Now, hold on. That is less than a week after Nate and Jess's nuptials! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN ALREADY?
It's really strange to be thinking in terms of weeks and not months now. (If we make it another month without meeting him/her, I'll probably be begging to be induced.) I visited the doctor yesterday, and the appointments have taken a major turn from being mainly "Do you have any questions?" to "So if this happens, head to the hospital." Insert Aimee gulping and laughing nervously.
Well, maybe one day we'll get back to something other than just a weekly recap around here, but for now that's the big news. Just a crazy few weeks ahead.
Talk to you later.
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