How in the world are we a week into May 2015 already?? Do you realize what that means? That means everyone, except Kelly and me, have now had their babies.
Ok, maybe that's not strictly accurate, but it certainly feels like it. Since our niece was born in November, I think I've counted ten babies born to people we know from high school, college, or family.
When is it our turn? Well, let me remind you: according to our due date, less than a month! Today marks 36 weeks for us. We watched our baby update on the app this morning, and it said J is the size of a small cantaloupe. *Gulp* Anytime there, buddy... I'd rather not feel what comes after cantaloupe.

I seriously can't wait to take full breaths, sleep on my stomach, and be nimble again. Mom thought J was starting to drop, but my lungs and ribs have been disagreeing with that thought over the last two days. I got in the car yesterday and had to catch my breath because Baby was allllll up in my chest.
Starting next week, our doctor appointments are weekly ones! Reality is starting set in. The idea of the hospital staycation we have coming up is suddenly looming right before my eyes and isn't just some distant possibility anymore. The idea that it could really happen at any time is exciting and terrifying all at once, and I'm becoming paranoid with every new feeling or happening in my body, constantly asking Jered, "What do you think this feeling is? Do you think this is how labor starts?"
Mom and Kate threw a great baby shower for us this weekend. It was really cute. See that big hedgehog down there? That's a piggy bank! Isn't it cute? The little kiddo is loved for sure, and I had such a fun time with everyone. It was great to sit and talk, over-eat tasty food (just me?), and decorate onesies together for little J.

I loved the end result- everyone did such a great job. The onesies are adorable.

We ended up having an impromptu cookout later that afternoon. It was absolutely perfect outside! It was such a nice time, and I'm convinced they all need to move to Des Moines. Even later that afternoon, Mom, Kate, and I walked to Katie's house to hang out for awhile. She's got it fixed up nice and homey; we sat and talked for a couple hours before heading back home for an ice cream date with Dad.

Our weekend wrapped up with playing cards at The Farm. Well, most of us played cards. Jered fished and asked Grandpa for supplies that he could fashion a spear out of to catch bullfrogs. He kills me sometimes.

Until next time.
Eeek!! So close!!!