I hope you had as exceptional a weekend as I did, but I won't hold my breath. Ha. Just kidding, I'm sure your weekend was alright... but mine was spectacular.
To get the weekend started, we had a delicious dinner and evening at Jake and Molly's on Friday, topped off with amaaaazing chocolate lava cakes. Delectable desserts aside, weekends like this one always reinforce in my mind how blessed we are to live here.

Saturday morning was spent with coffee and donuts and friends. While Jake helped Jered get the truck running again, the rest of us were entertained by Miss Lily. I cannot stress how much of a delight she is. Always learning, always looking thrilled with the new things she can do and the freedom she is finding with her mobility, always talking away and playing with the sounds she's learning to make.

And of course, spending time with my two besties was heavenly. I'm so blessed by the roles they play in my life. I would be a completely different person without them. Aw, you know what- insert Wicked's For Good here! If you don't know that song, you need to look it up right away.

I always loved that it was just me and Katie. I never had any desire to have more siblings. We've always been this fantastic duo (in our opinions, anyway), and I don't know if our relationship would have been the same if there had been more Rudes in the house. I'm positive we would have had quite a different childhood.
I loved having a little sister that allowed me to have an excuse to play with my dolls and Barbies a little longer. I like to think we had a pretty magical childhood, stretching our imaginations daily. Plus, we were just cool kids, chubby cheeks notwithstanding.

It's probably my own childhood that causes me to envision little girls when I think of our future children. (Obviously Jered is basically the complete opposite due to his childhood.) I don't know that it's because the thought of having sons scares me like it used to (seriously- I used to be terrified by the thought, but my nanny experiences warmed me up to the idea), but more so that I'd like to extend my childhood a little longer.
I think I picture myself with daughters because I want to live vicariously through them, or even have a chance to pull out the dolls and Barbies and play right along with them. Did you have that kind of childhood? The kind that you hope you can give your children and, hopefully, watch them enjoy it just as much as you did?
On top of that, I have this intense desire that they will be the best of friends because that's what Katie and I had. Really, it's what Jered and his siblings had too. All of their lives, his parents ingrained in their minds that their siblings are always going to be their siblings, so they should be their greatest friends too. That's what I want for our kids someday. Or maybe enjoy each other's company enough that they want to get high school jobs together.

Or do crazy things for each other, like chop off their hair because their sister was an idiot and tried to cut her own, forcing her to get it cut extremely short in order to fix it.

I think that every once in a while, we get so caught up in everything that is happening in our lives and get consumed by focusing on our future goals and plans, that we forget memories that we should hold on to. While it can be a mistake to dwell on our past (like I talked about just a week ago), it's what got us to where we are, and some truly lovely pieces of our souls can be found and/or traced to those precious memories.
I feel as though you are getting a decent look into my mind today. A little scattered, stumbling, and not too eloquent, but fairly nostalgic and emotional.
We're over halfway done with Monday. Almost there.
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