Can you believe this work week is almost over already? Where has the time gone? I thought I'd share a few of those in between moments of this whirlwind week today. (Don't confuse "whirlwind" with "busy" because "busy" it has not been.)
So I keep reading that today is the first day of Spring. I was unaware. However, now that I realize what a special day it is, I am quite thankful and hopeful. We're almost there! My skin tingles with the promise of Vitamin D!
I broke my every-other-week rule (that I just told you about) for our soup. I couldn't wait a week this time, but I heard no complaining from the mister. While I do not relish the onion-chopping part, I do love how colorful and bright it is before I stick it in the crock pot.

Because I want you to be well-read and entertained, I enjoy sharing my reading list with you. I found another inspiring one today. This beautiful, tatted up mom of two, owner of six pets- including a miniature pig, wife, and follower of Christ has a fantastic blog called Saturated Canary. Find it HERE.
In one morning, I've read all the way back to her posts from September, and I can't wait to read more. She lists books that she is reading to challenge and strengthen her faith, discusses homeschooling her kids, shares the deepest struggles of her heart, talks about nutrition and how to instill a true perception of beauty in her daughter, and focuses on the fun parts of life too. She covers both being content and enjoying the little moments in life, and stretching to fulfill the purpose that God has for her.
Last night, I was pleasantly surprised by an overly willing Jered when it came to me wanting to go purchase Frozen. We left right after dinner and popped it in the DVD player as soon as we returned. I even heard laughs from his side of the couch. Olaf... he can win over anyone.

The Walmart run could be seen as a flop if you consider the fact that I left without the item I actually needed. But then again, can you call any store run that ended with ownership of Frozen a failure?
Prior to the escapade of the week, I enjoyed a nice spell of listening to the mister's musings. I think they were only halfway made to me. It seemed to be more him thinking out loud than anything, but that's fine with me. I quietly listened to him ponder selfishness and if there is anything honestly done out of selflessness. Although
He went on to compare all of our facial differences, which is basically everything. He observed we are complete opposites in every detail. He continued to say that we could have super well-balanced looking kids, or real goofy-looking ones. He's sweet like that. That was right before he expressed his hope that they get his athleticism and not mine... Ok, ok- I can't fault him for that.
We've enjoyed a ridiculous amount of wild berry pie a la mode this week. That pretty well speaks for itself, I think.
I'm looking forward to some early packing for next week's adventure! I will probably do most of it this weekend so that I don't have to worry about it during the work week. Besides, I'm just incredibly excited and won't be able to wait.
Tonight, I plan to get artsy. I've already expressed this plan to Jered, so that he can help hold me accountable to that goal. We'll see.
Well, until next time.
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