*Sigh of contentment*
What a wonderful birthday.
Not only did I have the most wonderful surprise ever, and a fantastic time as a result, but I was able to spend my actual birthday with two of my favorite girls. Mom, Kate, and I had a lovely day in Peoria.
After a delicious lunch, (see? I told you one of the things I love about July is birthday food) we saw Larry Crowne. If you are interested in this film, I would recommend it. It's kind of awkward, and we felt they could have done more with the plot, but it is pretty funny. But then, I just love Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts anway.

Our shopping rule: You must try on something you would never dream of buying. Instant fun.

Well, I had a whole host of deep, birthday wonderings, but I think I'll let those go for now. Let it just be said that I had a blessed birthday.
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