Isn't July fantastic?
I love July. What's not to love? The sun? The holiday? The holiday food? The pool? My birthday? My birthday food? Vacation?
Even though the fact that I'm about to turn 24 years old is kind of weird, (yes, I am having an age-related, Bella-esque, freak out.) my tendency to claim the first five days of July as my very own birthday "weekend" will not be quelled.
Of course, receiving a spectacular and early present this year, helped to propel this tendency. I woke Saturday morning, expecting a girls' day at the country market on the riverfront. Imagine my surprise when I found this outside my bedroom door.

And so, my birthday surprise joined the girls at the country market and a little bistro for lunch. We then continued Jered's tradition of shopping for my birthday. His only birthday shopping rule: Don't buy what you need, just what you want. He was such a good sport, and quite patient as I tried on outfit after outfit. He even helped me choose some goodies.

My birthday weekend continued as we spent hours, sunning at the pool, talking and laughing, watching some movies together, and even fishing for awhile. Fishing: not my favorite. Jered: my favorite. Good compromise? I thought so.

My birthday isn't until tomorrow, but already, I have enjoyed the sweetest gift.

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