Thursday, January 11, 2018

For 2018

I feel like a stranger here. It's been a little while.

I was excited to sit and pray, think, and plan for this next year, but two sick and teething babies and a few sick days of my own have me just now getting a chance to reflect and think about 2018.

A couple years ago I swapped resolutions out for goals. It seemed a better fit. 

This year is different. "Goals" doesn't seem the right term either. Goals don't always allow for life. Sure, some might say life happens and you have to work around it to reach those goals, but sometimes... well, I'm just going to have to disagree with that.

Last year was difficult. Like, really difficult. Someday I think I'll share about it, but it's not time yet, so I'm just going to be that annoyingly vague person and say that the last year has really changed and shaped my life and what I want for this next year.

This morning, while watching the pre-sunrise blizzard, I wrote down a list of what I wanted this year to look like, and one common word popped up in each part.


This year I want more reading, more learning, more healthy living, more creating, more trying, more affirming, more loving, more giving, more laughing, more praying.

I set a decent book goal for 2017 and failed miserably in numbers, but I did develop a dedication to reading my Bible daily. This year I want to continue reading and digging into the Word to learn from and about God and continue to read about relationships, growth, and love. I want to learn more about my husband, my girls, and myself. I'm also excited to get back into some fiction- I never would have thought I'd switch to solely non-fiction for an entire year!

The importance of self-care was new to me last year, but I understand how crucial it is for me to get my me-time now. Working out, reading, quiet time, getting out of the apartment on my own, creative time- it's not selfish, it's necessary for me to function to the best of my ability as a wife and mom. I want to create more. I feel incredibly rusty and stale. More writing, journaling, sketching, painting, and making our home into a sanctuary. 

I want to love more. I want to know the love languages of those dear to me, so that I can better show them. People poured their lives into mine this year, so I hope to be able to give more time, help, listening, encouragement- more of myself to them. I want to learn to fill Jered's love tank with the affirmations he needs and desires to hear. I want to fill my girls with positive and loving words, thoughts, and beliefs. I want to be a loving, encouraging friend.

Growth means trying, so I want to try new things. Try new recipes, new workouts, new experiences, new date ideas, new art techniques. I never used to be a fan of change, but I feel like I've learned to embrace it recently. It can truly be the best thing.

I spent too much time crying last year. I've been noticing more wrinkles around my mouth and eyes, and thought it was weird that I was getting smile wrinkles, and then I realized they were from my crying face. I want more laughter this year. I want to have more fun, silliness, and joy with my family this year. If I'm going to wrinkle, it had better be from laughing.

Prayer changed our lives in big ways this year. I want to continue to live in prayer- not just meet God when I need something. I want to be the friend that people know they can go to when they need prayer- to pray with and for them. I want prayer and our faith to continue to be the rock in our marriage.

It sounds weird to say that all I want for this year is "more," but that's what it boils down to, isn't it? So here's to more for 2018.

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