Can I have a whiny pregnant lady moment? Just real quick, and then I'll move on.
Is it time yet?? I absolutely don't want to rush my alone time with my girl, or our three-person family, or time in general, but I'm tired of being pregnant. I'm tired of sharing my bladder with a squirmy baby, not being able to lie on my back, being so tired but unable to sleep because it's too uncomfortable, not being able to breathe, the sweating, the contractions. So many contractions. We're down to 43 days, but who's counting?
Ok, I'm done. Promise. Go ahead and finish cooking, babe.
That girl- she is stinkin' hilarious right now. She has been incredibly excitable the last couple days and will just be totally wired for an hour at a time. Laughing, dancing, and acting a goof. And she is all over the place. Climbing everywhere. She can get up on the couch now, so there's really no stopping her. Last week, Jered was still in bed and heard some rustling. He rolled over, and there she was, sitting right next to him, just grinning away.

She has also, I think, officially begun transitioning to a single nap a day schedule, but somehow missed the memo that if she's only taking one, it needs to increase in length. One hour nap a day is simply not going to cut it for me.

Sweet thing chipped a tooth at some point. (Before the mouth gushing blood incident of last week.) It's one of her top teeth, so we rarely see it. She has developed a dashing mullet as well. Even so, she sure is the prettiest thing I've ever seen.

Oh, you're wondering how my nesting is going? Not great.
I mean, I've purged two large diaper boxes full of books we don't need to keep anymore. Well, almost- they're ready to go to Half Priced Books to make us a couple bucks, I hope. I also got Jered to finally dump somewhere around 20 to 30 old textbooks that have no use or ability to resell.
New paintings for our dining are about half done. (Just waiting on a decent nap to finish those!)
Katie is coming this weekend to help me with some cleaning, organizing, and possibly a few projects, so that will be awesome.
Apparently my third trimesters are fraught with intense cravings, particularly a sweet tooth. Give me all the chocolate, all the time. I would love to bake something right now, but I didn't make it to the grocery store today, and we have no eggs.
We went sans dishwasher almost all summer. Huge pain. Huge. Maybe if I didn't have a toddler demanding attention, or limited, precious nap times to get as much done as possible, I wouldn't mind. But I do. Jered called our maintenance man and it got fixed a couple weeks ago, and the angels sang. Until yesterday when it started doing the same thing all over again. Womp, womp.
Speaking of Jered, a few days ago I went to lie down for a minute while Evelyn was napping, and Jered came in to see what I was doing. I warned him that I felt like I was about to cry and had no real reason to, other than being tired and not feeling great. He laughed (nicely!), and I promptly burst into tears. He brought me a blanket and told me to take a nap. He's a keeper.

We went to the Peoria Blues and Heritage Music Festival a couple weeks ago for Jered's birthday present. Jered loved it, which I loved. I was mostly excited about fair food and sitting (so, so glad we brought chairs) and listening to some good bands/artists. It proved to be a great time for me to use my art journal- so much to sketch!
We saw Buddy Guy perform, which is a pretty big deal. We were right up front, and Jered caught one of his guitar picks. I hosted an inner dialogue over the battle of the age groups that went on during the O.A.R. concert right before Buddy Guy, where a group of younger people came in and stood directly in front of all of us who had been sitting and waiting for Buddy Guy all day. Each had a right to be there. I think if the older people had known they weren't staying beyond the O.A.R. concert, they wouldn't have cared so much. Brawls were a-brewin', I tell you!
It was also the first time Evelyn spent the night away from both of us. She apparently had so much fun that she didn't miss us at all. I'm trying to remind myself that this is a blessing, and that I would have felt guilty and heartbroken had she been miserable while we were gone.

I actually had some personal revelations to talk about, but I'll save them for later since this has already been quite lengthy.
Lata gata!
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