We've had an exciting and busy couple weeks. Evelyn has been quite the trooper. I'm 99% sure she has been in and out of her carseat more times in the last two weeks than in her entire existence. She has now nursed in a Target multiple times, a Walmart, a Taco Bell, a parking garage, a car at a gas station, and an interstate oasis. I'm so proud of little girl for being full of smiles after what must have been an exhausting two weeks for her.
We're going to have to catch up in a few posts, I think.
Last week, wait two weeks ago? (I'm losing track of time.) Molly and the girls were here, so Evelyn (and we) got to spend some cherished time with her Aunt and cousins. Gosh, we missed those girls so, so much!

[Norah and Lily are growing up so fast that I'm tearing up just thinking about it!]

[Norah is full of contagious smiles and Lily's vocabulary continues to amaze and entertain us.]

[They don't know it yet, but they will be best friends. - Picture from Molly]

[Uncle Jered/Daddy rocked the baby entertainment as always.]

In a rather serendipitous manner (at least, I don't think it was planned), Jeremy and Kelly visited on the same weekend that Molly and the girls were here.
Even more wonderful, was the fact that Jered only had one half day of work during their stay. While he was gone, Jeremy, Kelly, Evelyn, Pollyanna and I spent a beautifulbreakfast lunch outside a Starbucks with our coffees and delivered Jimmy Johns sandwiches.

[She was more pleased than she looks. Haha]
Even more wonderful, was the fact that Jered only had one half day of work during their stay. While he was gone, Jeremy, Kelly, Evelyn, Pollyanna and I spent a beautiful

[Evelyn slept the whole time, but Pollyanna guarded the door and enjoyed a puppaccino.]

[Oh yes- this letter and a Flinkman visit wouldn't be complete without an outdoorsy adventure. Beware Flinkwomen: Jered is trying to spread the fishing obsession to your husbands.]

[Aunt Kelly with her girls. - Picture from Kelly]

[Not to sound cocky, but we Flink-people make ridiculously cute kids. - Picture from Molly.]
Somewhere in there, Evelyn had her two month shots. I nearly held it together, only tearing up a little bit. Thankfully, she recovered quickly and was her smiley self shortly after.
That same day, Jered and I went on our first date since Evelyn joined us while Molly babysat. We made it halfway through dinner before our conversation turned to, "Evelyn is so cute. I can't believe how much I like her. Did I show you the picture from earlier today?" And we flipped through phone pictures for most of the remaining meal.
We went to see Jurassic World, and before it even started Jered was asking me how long it was going to be because he already missed Evelyn. I agreed. We checked his phone throughout the movie because Molly is like me and knew we would like updates. The second the credits popped up, we jetted out of that theater as fast as we could. Like, we literally ran to the car.
So, there's one big update off the list.
I have to tell you about one more huge one before I finish for the day. I've had several people ask me about when I'm due to return to work.
I'm not.
That's right, after much deliberation and several phone calls by Jered, he worked it out for us to be able to afford me staying home. It involves him taking a heavier course load during his Nurse Practitioner program, but he was adamant about me being with Evelyn rather than having someone else watch her.
I am over the moon about this development and incredibly grateful for such a sacrificial husband. I get to spend all day, every day with this cutie pie! Being a stay-at-home-mom brings with it a whole new way of looking at my days, so I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about in that area.

Until then,
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