Well, the little girl is sound asleep. Of course, I just pulled out the computer, so it stands to reason that she should wake up soon.

Before I jump into all things Evelyn, a few other non-baby thoughts:
I mentioned that my days are in need of more structure now that I'm staying home. It would be far too easy to sit on the couch and watch Evelyn play all day. (Gee- even my non-baby topics include baby. Oh well.) So, I've been closely inspecting our apartment to find deep cleaning problems that need solving. (Ok, maybe closely inspecting is a bit exaggerated- most of them are fairly blatant... like the mold growing above our shower.) Anyway, I've taken to making a weekly checklist because who doesn't like putting checks next to the things they've accomplished?

My goal is to work in some artsy time for me too. Like a project a week, or even just a sketch a day. I think it's much to Jered's chagrin that there is nothing regarding cooking on there either. Ideally, one new meal a week will end up on the list as well.
It seems much less letter space-worthy now, but on the subject of post-baby body issues: bleh. Fortunately it hasn't been as bad as I dreamed, but the insecurities still surface. After my six-week go ahead, I started working out again- slowly, but surely. I've taken up the 21 Day Fix workouts and have seen positive results. While they aren't as drastic as they would be if I followed her meal plan like she suggests, I'm feeling stronger, more flexible, and have noticed differences in my posture. So, yay! I feel like I'm close to my normal size, just... softer. But I enjoy the workouts because there are several different ones, keeping me from getting bored, so I'm optimistic.
Jered and I have been working at de-cluttering the apartment. We both cleaned out our closet, which I love to do a couple times a year- especially when I have sisters-in law and friends that can adopt clothes that I actually like but just don't wear. Yesterday we got rid of stuff that had filled our entire entryway. It felt gooooood. I'm thinking that he might have gotten over his Craigslist addiction because he looked at the entryway and said, "How did we ever accumulate so much stuff?!"
That brings me to the other topic I want to touch on: my most recent book read: 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess. If I'm honest, this is probably something I'm going to come back to a couple different times, and you will probably get sick of it. I originally read about the book on another blog, and then heard about it from Molly, who has never recommended a book I didn't like. She also perfectly summed up the book by saying "It's wrecked my life." For now I'll leave it at this: I am suddenly more aware of how casually I spend money, the nickel and diming we subject ourselves to, how much garbage we produce (when I have never, ever been a "green" person), how many clothes I have that I do not wear, how little time I spend in prayer, and perhaps most humiliating- how little thought I spare for the needy.
Yep, I think we'll talk about that again later. There's just too much to address to include in this already lengthy letter.
So how 'bout that baby?! Gosh, we love her.

I know we I share lots of pictures of her scowling, but she is actually a smiley little thing. A chatterbox too. Last time the two of us went to Target she sat in her stroller and talked to me the whole time.
It's really fun to watch her learn her body. She's been focusing intently on her hands and noticing her feet too. She now grasps her hands together to play with her own fingers and sucks on her hand/sides of her fingers if she loses her pacifier. When she sleeps, she usually has one hand playing in her hair, while the other hovers somewhere near her mouth.

She's upgraded to her big girl bed, otherwise known as a crib. Moving her into her own room wasn't quite as hard as I thought it would be. It almost made getting up in the morning easier because I was even more eager to see her little face.

She rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time this week and has done it several times since. (However, if we're being honest, she does have a fairly large head, and it probably helped her over a bit.) In the last week we've seen a huge difference in her head and neck control. She always seemed strong as far as holding up her head, but she's doing it for longer periods of time and is much less jerky with it. She actually seems to enjoy tummy time now, rather than endure it.

She's really starting to fill out. Her chicken legs are thicker every morning. Sometimes I swear they plump up during her naps. And those squishable cheeks. We just love them.

She gives the absolute best snuggles. I can't get enough of them. I've been trying to limit myself to holding her for only one nap a day so that she doesn't grow dependent on us for sleep, but sometimes it takes all my willpower to put her down in that crib.

I'm pretty certain she's going to have a little ornery streak in her. Just like her dad. Before she was born, I swore she was stubborn because she would never kick for the camera, and she does the same thing with smiling for the camera now. It's tough to catch them.
Well, this letter already got interrupted by a waking baby, a visit to Jered's work, and a trip to Target. I let her continue sleeping in her carseat once we got back in the apartment, but I hear her stirring again, so I think I'll leave well enough alone for today.
Talk to you later.