Still pregnant.
*Loooooong sigh* Our original due date has come and gone. Our current due date is three days away. And I am feeling impatient to the max. Still terrified mind you, just so ready to know who we'll be meeting!

[Had to get those puppies up this week after some majorly puffy
ankles last weekend. I did not even recognize my own feet!]
I'm not feeling particularly chatty this a.m.; my coffee has yet to kick in, but I thought I'd catch you up on some of the goings on in our little corner of the world.

Jake graduated from med school last weekend! We officially have a doctor in the family, and a few of us have already hounded him with questions. All the Flinkmen came to celebrate. I think I can safely speak for all of us and say you'd have been hard pressed to find a prouder family last weekend. I know we're all ecstatic for Jake and Molly making it through the last four years.

[I swiped this from Heather's photos of the weekend.]

[Ty got some needed R&R during the ceremony.
In his defense, he was one of many.]

[Sheeee's back with the grainy phone pics! Occupational
hazard of nighttime hanging out with Flinkmen.]

[Big sis, Heather, captured this great shot.]

[She was all set to go!] [I think Ty enjoyed the littles.]

[Jered taught Tyler how to skin and cook the rabbit he nabbed.]

[Jered: the baby whisperer]
Nate and Jess got married this weekend! B.e.a.utiful ceremony. I was off my picture-taking game though, and came away with just these two lonely photos of groomsmen.

[More entertainment in the form of littles.]
I think now that the other big events are over, Jered is getting more antsy. Yesterday he googled ankle pressure points that are supposed to induce labor, picked up spicy Thai food for dinner, and tried the needle and thread trick that's supposed to tell if you're having a girl or boy. (For the record, it said both, but it also worked on Jered, and I'm having trouble picturing him giving birth any time soon.)
Well. There you have it. It's been a wild couple weeks, and we're hoping this week will make three.
Hope you're doing well.
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