We're having a bummer of a Sunday over here. Poor Jered is sick as a dog. Last night he was getting sick in about hour intervals. I feel incredibly helpless. All I've been able to do is get him some chicken noodle soup, 7UP, ginger ale, and some Redbox movies.
I felt especially horrible for him when the morning was absolutely gorgeous, and I knew that it had to be killing him to be stuck inside instead of out hunting. Therefore, I am feeling a little selfish in being thankful that the sun has disappeared for the afternoon and stopped taunting him.
At this point I feel like I am in the clear; hopefully it stays that way. I didn't want to put anyone else at risk, so we've basically been quarantined today.
Our late morning/early afternoon was spent listening to classical music while Jered napped on the couch and I dug into my new devotional: Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and the Doer, which I'm fairly certain I'm going to love.
So far it's talking mostly about the value of dreaming, which is something I tend to forget. I get caught up in thinking about the problem with dreaming and not following through. I see it as wasting time. (Unfortunately I don't really land on the "doer" side either, which is even worse- I think I mistake complacency for contentment.)
Anyway, I came across this thought in the book today:
If you ever feel unworthy to dream or receive
the abundant blessings the Lord has in store for you, stop.
Because Jesus saw you worthy to die on the cross for and
He sees you as worthy to bless.
Dreaming is a beautiful burden that can bring
ultimate glory to the Dream Giver.
Isn't that a nice reminder? Sometimes I think that dreams are just selfish, but they can be planted by God to be used for His glory, and that makes them worth pursuing.
That was all just in the introduction. The prayer I went through today lined up with my word for 2015. It centered around the idea that rather than changing our circumstances, God may change our heart instead, giving us peace in the situation the way it is.
I'm looking forward to going through this book over and over as our lives change and seeing how the prayers change with each new season.
Meanwhile Baby is kicking away like crazy. Growing. And growing. And growing. And seems to have some of his/her dad's personality as people pleasing does not seem to be on the list of priorities. Every time I try to catch a video of my growing bump bouncing with kicks, he/she decides to stop.

Well, time to tend to the invalid. Talk to you later.
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