I don't have a cleverer title because the only one I could think of was a movie quote that no one would get. Oh well.
So real quick, I want to share with you a some of the reactions we encountered when telling our family we were expecting.
First off, we realized we are terrible secret keepers! We wanted to wait until Thanksgiving to tell everyone, but that didn't happen. We told Jake and Molly right away because we're always around them and they probably would have figured it out. Plus, I wanted to glean all the advice I could from Molly.
Herb and Beth visited Des Moines just a couple weeks after we found out. We had no intentions of telling them yet; however, the night they got there, Beth, out of the blue says, "Whenever you guys get pregnant, I want to be one of the FIRST ones to know! I do NOT want to be one of the last."
So the next day, Jered just tossed it into the conversation somehow, which resulted in Beth standing in front of us shouting, "Are you serious?! Are you serious?!" Over and over and over.
After our ultrasound, I was obviously more excited and (knowing that Jered had already spilled the beans to Jeremy) decided to send a snapchat to Kelly. Kelly is the queen of Snapchat, so it seemed appropriate.

She broke their rule of no phones during movies to check this out, and her reaction was hilarious and sweet.
This series of photos will more effectively show how it went on Thanksgiving.

So many thanks to Molly for capturing this moment!
My favorite things about these photos:
Jessica's reaction- you can see the disbelief turn into surprise.
Beth and Kelly's smiling faces because they know what's about to happen.
Joel's skeptical face, and the fact that the food on his fork never moves.
Justin's "atta-boy" face in the last one.
Seriously- I could just put this into a flipbook and watch Jessica's expression over and over.
Unfortunately, we did not have a wonderful photographer when we told my family. Instead we had me... trying to be inconspicuous while recording a video on my phone. Please ignore my loud, obnoxious, mumbly voice.
Oh! - You'll need to hear some back story on this first. I had been holding off on telling you until it was official, and now that we're expecting, it is officially not happening: Jered and I had been planning on moving to Hawaii from January to April, for a short travel nursing experience for Jered. It was getting pretty serious when we found out that it would definitely not work out, but we kept that to ourselves and told my parents we would know for sure when we visited the first weekend in November.
So, what you will hear me say is that Jered printed out pictures of our future Hawaii apartment. I had just pulled Mom out of bed for some family time because she went to bed before Katie and I got back from hanging out with the girls. You will also hear Wii Golf going on because... what else do Dad and Jered do when they get together?
What you also don't see is Katie running over and instantly talking to my stomach, Mom's moment of panic because she thought we were still going to Hawaii, and Dad excitedly asking me the rest of the weekend who all he was allowed to tell.
Ok, that might not have been real quick, but they were some lovely moments for us, and hopefully you'll get a kick out of them as well.
Talk to you later.
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