I've been meaning to write, and I think my excuse boils down to caffeine withdrawal? I've gone a full week without coffee now, which has been unheard of over the last year. I'm pleased to tell you that it is going surprisingly well. Although, this letter may end up all over the place.
I don't think I've told you the latest news. It's kind of a big deal. Jered wants us to go on a month long "cleanse" by eating only fish, fruits, and vegetables. (Haha- I had you thinking it was something major right?) Well, it is major to me because I love bread. So much so, that for my birthday I chose Avanti's so that I could eat pizza bread and their normal bread. Perhaps a little overkill, but it's so good I couldn't help myself.
While I haven't held to it entirely, this week has been a pretty significant change for me. (I still partook of my breakfast granola/shredded wheat... and Jered and I had a turkey sandwich one night before small group, along with a very few fries and sips of Mountain Dew.) Aside from a couple cod fillets, my lunches have been pure rabbit food. (Albeit a large rabbit.) So a few exceptions, but hey, it's only the trial run for the real deal- Jered hasn't started yet.
Anyway, like you care about my meals.
A while ago, I mentioned to Jered that I think it's interesting that water captivates us so much. Maybe because it's a source of life? We seem to be drawn to it, no matter the size. When I was a nanny, if the boys and I went walking a day after it rained, even if the majority of the sidewalk was dry, they couldn't help themselves from walking right through the out-of-the-way puddle. When Jered and I are driving, my eye is constantly on the lookout for any kind of body of water. When creeks and fields are flooded, for some reason, I have to stare at them the whole time it takes us to pass them. Some of our favorite vacation memories are from when Dad when pull over on the highway in the mountains next to a stream, where we would climb out onto the rocks to see how far across we could get. And don't even get me started on the beach.
Obviously, these days fishing plays a major part in that magnetism. Jered and I went to a music in the park night this week, and while we were there we had to take a stroll to check out the water under the interstate overpass. Because there might have been fish. Wherever there is water, this boy tends to end up.

(It was a lovely evening by the way.)
We took the boat out to the lake last night and went fishing with friends. It was a perfect, beautiful evening. As Jered put it, "Couldn't a-ordered up a better ni-ight." ( I hope you heard the southern drawl in there.) Although he might have preferred catching some bigger fish. And maybe the clouds of mosquitoes- thank goodness McKenna comes prepared with lots of Off.

(Not sure what was going on with my camera... I've never seen the photos turn out that way before.)

Tonight we are supposed to go on a makeup date for my birthday. He's got something planned, but I don't know what it is yet. I guess I'll have to fill you in on that next time.
Until then,
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