On to Day #7: things I'm most afraid of.
Bridges: I hate, hate, hate driving over bridges. They are too narrow for my liking, and I am always terrified that they will collapse while I'm in the middle of them. Plus, haven't you seen the movie Susie Q?
Fire: More accurately, my home burning down. I remember having fire safety lessons in elementary school, and ever since I've had this horrible fear of being trapped in my room while my house burns, not to mention losing all my belongings.
Tornados: Twister? That movie scared me more than any with bad guys. Again- the thought of losing my home was horrible. (Maybe that's the result of living in the same house all my life?) And then there's the whole getting sucked up into a gigantic funnel part.
Spiders: Size doesn't matter. I once paid Katie five bucks to kill one that I found in my bedroom. They are the things nightmares are made of, people! And yes, I call Jered into the room whenever I see one. Well... that goes for any bug to be honest.
Finally, I have some more serious fears, that I think I share with all womankind. At least, that's what I've been reading in Captivating. (Such a good book! I don't know why it's taken me so long to get to it. I will have to share my thoughts on it after I finish.)
Anyway, those fears would include rejection and abandonment. You know what I'm talking about, right? Maybe not one of those on the surface fears, but more of a deep-seeded feeling in the pits of our stomachs? The kind that turns you into a crazy person every once in a while. And not just when it comes to our significant other, but in every aspect of life. Why else would we (I) hate job hunting and interviews so much?
Well, there you have it. My five greatest fears.
And now for something a little lighter: I have some Jeredisms that I have to share with you.
Monday evening we went to the lake again. The boy took his slingshot and played in the woods, and I ran the trail. What started as a lovely afternoon turned into a freezing evening. My phone thermometer did not take into account the wind that came off the lake. Add to that the fact that the temperature dropped fifteen degrees from start time to the time I got back to the car, and we had a very under-dressed Aimee.

Anyway, we stopped at HyVee on our way home to do our grocery shopping and to feast on the salad bar. Whenever we go out we see tons of girls/women dressed in their workout gear. And I always have the same thoughts whenever I see them. So I asked Jered, "Do I look like I'm wearing workout clothes because I actually worked out, or like someone who wants to look fit, but really just wants to be comfy?"
"Like you actually ran... But you still look beautiful," he said with a grin.
"Good answer!"
"I'm learning."
Hahahahaha. He definitely has his moments.
Yesterday as I was getting ready for work, I looked at the dresser and found a pile of slingshot rocks. After work, he spent a fair amount of time shooting said rocks at a squirrel from our balcony door.

Then, to my dismay, he pinned up a paper target to our living room wall, and practiced using his blow gun. (I found out at that moment that I'm more like my dad than I knew. I was about to have a conniption at all the little holes he was putting in our walls, especially since we have a perfectly fine cork board in his study.)
Anyway, he's a laugh. I guess I'll keep him.
Talk to you later.
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