Thought I'd share a few snapshots of our weekend with you.

First off- packing didn't go the way I planned... most of it was put off until the morning we left. I also wish I had checked the forecast for Minneapolis instead of Des Moines for the weekend, as it was a solid ten degrees colder there the entire time. We were pretty chilly during most of our outings, and taking one pair of boots would have been a lot simpler than trying to find shoes for each outfit.

We arrived at the Target Center plenty early to watch the teams warm up and hoped to have a Kobe sighting, even though he wasn't playing. (Stupid injury.)

No Kobe sighting, but we did see Steve Nash warm up. (Jered told me that he really hates how many selfies we took this weekend. I said "too bad" because it's not that often that we go to NBA games... or on mini-vacations.)

We heard them announce Kobe's name at one point, but missed what they said about him! Jered also placed a bid on an autographed photo of him, but put his cell number on it. (The cell he didn't have with him.) I think if he had found a missed call on it when we got back to the room he would have been more than a little bummed.

Saturday morning (late, late morning) was spent getting coffee and scones. The area we were in was really lovely- the streets were clean, the sidewalks littered with art sculptures, and even the street signs were prettier because they had scalloped edges. (Am I weird for noticing stuff like that?)

Then we headed over to Barnes and Noble and spent a good chunk of time reading in the aisles. I found a big book on the human brain for Jered to read. (I also found an anatomy coloring book that I really wanted to get for him for studying purposes, but I passed for now.)

While I utilized the workout room with a pumped up run, Jered napped. After I finished, the two hot messes joined forces and enjoyed the pool and sauna. And Jered watched basketball... because that's what you go away to do. Enjoy the TV that you don't get at home.

We went to Brit's Pub for dinner. (We had planned on going to a Blues Bar and Lounge to see a live performer, but the cover was a bit way more than we had anticipated.) We stayed until we were ready for dessert- an intense sundae, and enjoyed the atmosphere, that would have been even nicer if we had a friendly waiter.

We listened to Jered's Barnes and Noble purchase for half of our drive home. Nothing like some good ole Blues on a beautiful, sunny day drive.

I never thought I'd be so thrilled to get back to Des Moines weather. It was seventy degrees when we got back. So we took off for the lake, where Jered took a jaunt into the woods, and I ran the trail. It was definitely the most beautiful day we've had so far this year. I might have found my new favorite spot too.

Well, that about wraps up our weekend. Hope you had a good one!
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