Guess what I just did. Guess!
Ok, I'll tell you. I booked our hotel room for our Minneapolis weekend. I don't think I've ever booked a hotel room before. If I remember correctly, other people have always taken care of it for me. I'm such a grown up now.
I am so, so, so looking forward to our weekend away! Not to mention watching my husband enjoy the best Christmas gift I've ever given him. Sure, sometimes when I sit in our living room and look at the enormous, ugly, box TV we use, I find myself thinking it would have been nice if I had stuck with the original plan of getting him a new flat screen for Christmas. But I know without a doubt, that our weekend in Minneapolis and seeing Jered watch his beloved Lakers will be so much better. Just twenty-three days left!
With that said, I have a bone to pick with Kobe for getting injured. Seriously? Seriously? Your biggest fan is finally attending a game, and you got hurt?! Just kidding... Mostly.
While I'm at it, let's address the beef with Mother Nature too. Please, please, pleeease be nicer to us that weekend. I would like to utilize the walking distance between our hotel and the game in relative comfort and with dry feet.
Anyway, I'm ready to sport my poser shirt and cheer alongside the mister in his true fan shirt.

(I'm noticing that his hair always ends up at this fun stage around this time of year.)
We're hoping that Kobe will still be at the game. And someone is wishing with all his might that he can score an autograph.
A few in betweens for you:
I am an emotional wreck. Or I am just turning into a bigger crier than my mom. I cried during Nebraska last night, spontaneously burst into tears right before bed, teared up when I watched the video of Matthew McConaughey winning his Oscar, and I'm trying not to watch too closely as the Grey's cast watches George after he had to take his dad off of life support.
Jered helped me make dinner last night, and it was fantastic. (The dinner and his help.) Then I made brownies. From scratch! And Jered picked up some ice cream. Delightful.
I tried a coconut oil conditioning treatment on my hair yesterday. Fantastic. I thought I was going to have to chop my hair because it was getting so ridiculously dry, but the oil worked wonders! Pinterest for the win!
However a major Pinterest fail has me extremely frustrated. None, and I do mean none, of the tips about how to clean your scorched iron, work.
I've decided that the best feeling in the morning, which isn't saying much because mornings are pretty low on the enjoyment scale for me, is when I walk back into the apartment after taking Jered to work. Coming in from the cold, into our warm apartment and smelling the fresh coffee waiting for me, is not so bad. Not bad at all.
I finished Allegiant. "Boo followed by hiss," as Mr. Roman would say.
I think that's about it for now. Talk to you later.
Stainelss steel pot scrubber has usually worked on our iron. Also great for our stainless cookware.