Yesterday was kind of a big deal for this Flinkman family. After church we attended a membership class/meeting, and signed a covenant to become members of Waukee Community Church.
We agree with the doctrinal statements, appreciate their values and goals, have sensed God working in our hearts, have felt incredibly welcome since our very first visit, and they put a huge emphasis on relationships, which I love.
I find it different from any church we've attended before, but it seems to be a great fit and has many opportunities for us to become involved, even if we aren't certain how God plans to use us yet. I can't wait to be a part of a small group- like I'm ridiculously excited, you guys.
As we sat in the meeting yesterday, and I realized we were about to become members of a church together, I got a peculiar feeling. I figured out that the choice we were making felt bittersweet. On one hand, I was feeling exceptionally excited that my husband and I were taking this step together for the first time. That we were making a major decision and trusting that God has us in the right place for this season of our life.
On the other hand, I felt a sense of finality. The ending of a chapter. I became a member of the Evangelical Free Church of Canton when I was thirteen years old. I had attended ever since I was a couple weeks old.
It's the church that my dad grew up in. (Check out the glasses on that guy!)

It's the church where my parents got married.

It's the church where I had the privilege to help mop up the floors of two separate building projects.

It's the church that sent me out on mission trips, nurtured my growing faith throughout my high school career, and provided me with multiple teachers and mentors that prayed over my life and my choices.

It's the church that contains my family members' favorite verses and photograph inside its very walls.

It's the church where I married the love of my life. (Sorry- got sappy there.)

Talk to you later.
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