So, remember when I told you I would fill you in on some of my favorite moments from our Christmas break? Well, this is me following through... about three weeks later than planned. Get ready for picture overload.
We started off our week at Herb and Beth's. And a wonderful time it was. With the newest, little family member we had this year, there was much less TV going, which was quite nice. We spent our time playing with the little lady, the boys played basketball, Molly taught me how to knit, we played cards, and the girls got creative with a bunch of books when we didn't have a tree.
Beth and Herb were kind enough to let us celebrate Christmas early since Jered and I weren't going to be there on Christmas day. Jessica cooked up her first batch of wassail for the gift exchange time, and it was delicious.
The boys, excuse me, men were all kind enough to slave away for a day on Jered's truck. Although it may have taken longer than it needed to- I heard there was quite the dance party going on in the garage. Herb looked like he was having the time of his life that day. I promise, you've never seen brothers that love each other like the Flinkman boys do, and I know they were all missing their baby brother, Justin, this Christmas.
The annual game of charades was not disappointing this year either. Everyone was on top of their game. And laughter filled the room.

While I don't remember all the details because I waited so long to write, I remember the feeling I had when I was there. I was constantly reminded of how lucky I am. I don't think everyone marries into a family and is able to say that their in-laws don't seem like in-laws. I feel as though I truly have brothers for the first time, and more sisters that I can honestly call friends too. Every single person in the family helps to create a great group to belong to.
On Christmas Eve, Jered and I headed over to spend the second half of the week with my family. We started things off with the Christmas Eve service, played some games and watched Christmas movies that night. We woke up the next morning, as per usual, to Katie bouncing on our bed, telling us it's Christmas. And, as per usual, we then anxiously waited at the top of the stairs until we got the go ahead to enter the living room.
My favorite gift moment was giving Jered his real Christmas present. As I told you before, he and I celebrated Christmas together a week early. But the gifts he opened that night were just cover ups for the real deal. To throw him off, his gift got passed around the living room to each person, who in turn said it wasn't really for them. Finally it got into Jered's hands, and he replied, "Well, someones' got to open it!" He found an overnight bag packed with toiletries, and a smaller gift inside. It was a Lakers shirt... for me. (You see, he already has one.) He looked utterly perplexed and just thought it was weird that I would have him open a shirt that was for me. So I asked him, "Don't you think something goes along with all of that?" He looked at me strangely, and I pulled out two tickets for us to go see his man crush, Kobe Bryant, in March, at which point he shouted, "No way!" And I was in gift-giving-wife heaven. Success!
Sorry, that was long winded.
Other favorite moments at home included our annual Christmas brunch, Jered and Dad butchering Jered's first deer, daily Nerf gun wars with the surprise gifts to everyone from Mom and Katie, playing Bowl of Stupid, spending time at The Farm with more family, doing a little after-Christmas shopping, having a hot chocolate bar and game night, and soaking up every minute I could with my family.
On Christmas Eve, Jered and I headed over to spend the second half of the week with my family. We started things off with the Christmas Eve service, played some games and watched Christmas movies that night. We woke up the next morning, as per usual, to Katie bouncing on our bed, telling us it's Christmas. And, as per usual, we then anxiously waited at the top of the stairs until we got the go ahead to enter the living room.
My favorite gift moment was giving Jered his real Christmas present. As I told you before, he and I celebrated Christmas together a week early. But the gifts he opened that night were just cover ups for the real deal. To throw him off, his gift got passed around the living room to each person, who in turn said it wasn't really for them. Finally it got into Jered's hands, and he replied, "Well, someones' got to open it!" He found an overnight bag packed with toiletries, and a smaller gift inside. It was a Lakers shirt... for me. (You see, he already has one.) He looked utterly perplexed and just thought it was weird that I would have him open a shirt that was for me. So I asked him, "Don't you think something goes along with all of that?" He looked at me strangely, and I pulled out two tickets for us to go see his man crush, Kobe Bryant, in March, at which point he shouted, "No way!" And I was in gift-giving-wife heaven. Success!
Sorry, that was long winded.
Other favorite moments at home included our annual Christmas brunch, Jered and Dad butchering Jered's first deer, daily Nerf gun wars with the surprise gifts to everyone from Mom and Katie, playing Bowl of Stupid, spending time at The Farm with more family, doing a little after-Christmas shopping, having a hot chocolate bar and game night, and soaking up every minute I could with my family.

This has been rather lengthier than I planned. I meant to give you a couple snapshots of our time, but there were so many I loved and wanted to share with you. It was a wonderful Christmas season at the Flinkman and Rude households, and although it sounds cheesy and overdone, I am so thankful for our families and all they are to us.
So, that is all until next time. Take care.
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