Since everyone has been posting things they're thankful for over the last month, this will most likely sound super cliche, but I have been feeling exceedingly blessed. As in, almost felt like skipping down the sidewalk on my way out of work at the end of the day because of everything and everyone I have been blessed with.
It hasn't been a conscious decision to think of these things though. I've just had this billowing joy. This warm feeling that all is right with the world. Even when it's not. Even when there's pain saturating the world. I have still had this overwhelming sense that I'm where I'm supposed to be. (Maybe not in my work, but everywhere else.) God is good.
Maybe it's just the fact that Christmas lights are going up and carols are playing, and the warm fuzzies are permeating every wrinkle of my brain.
Spending a nice long weekend with my family just exacerbated all those feelings. Each day I was there I thought, "Wow! I still have another day!" I loved soaking up every minute of Christmas movies, puzzles, games with family, Christmas shopping, eating, and talking and hanging out with my immediate and extended family. (Want a huge surprise? I forgot to pull out my camera during all of those moments. Shocker.)
However, I missed my handsome mister a ton. A ton, a ton. I had trouble falling asleep last night because I didn't want to miss any more time with him. I know, I'm not supposed to gush about him anymore, but gosh, he makes that an incredibly tough task.
Well, back to the business of counting my blessings. Today it's Grandpa Tony's turn to have a letter.
Grandpa Tony is my mom's step-dad, although I almost don't want you to know that because I don't want to diminish his place as Grandpa. Although, I guess that makes my point even stronger because he loves us as though we were his grandchildren by blood, and he is every bit a grandpa to me and Katie.

My earliest memories of Grandpa are at Grandma's old apartment in Peoria. I remember riding on his back as he crawled on his hands and knees around the living room. He was always fun and playful with us.
Grandpa is also the Treat Master. When we were little, I think he brought us Skittles or a Dilly Bar every time we saw him. I also had my first french cruller because of him; he used to bring us Dunkin Donuts every time we spent the night at their house in Peoria. He also brings a tray of shrimp to almost every family event we have.
Grandpa is an incredibly hard worker. He is always busy, but never complains about it. When he and Grandma moved to Canton, they bought this adorable little house, and Grandpa has redone just about every single room in it. He is always working on a project and loves working on special ones to surprise Grandma.
He is a great wood worker and has worked on lots of projects with Grandma too. He's really made them a good team. He creates and prepares the projects, and Grandma paints them.
He has a small organ at their house. And I think his favorite song is Edelweiss. I don't believe I've ever seen the organ without that music on it. I love that.
He is a great wood worker and has worked on lots of projects with Grandma too. He's really made them a good team. He creates and prepares the projects, and Grandma paints them.
He has a small organ at their house. And I think his favorite song is Edelweiss. I don't believe I've ever seen the organ without that music on it. I love that.
You know those toy machines at the front of stores with the claws? The ones that are impossible to win? Well, our Grandpa Tony is apparently a rock star when it comes to them. When we would get together with our cousins, he would bring in a big bag and set out all the stuffed animals he had won and let us each pick one out. I remember one bunny very specifically.

Grandpa Tony is ornery. He's always teasing us, giving us a hard time about getting into the food before dinner times, and trying to take our plates after we fill them up. Or he waits til the end of the meal and puts all his shrimp tails on your plate to make it look like you ate sixteen shrimp. Right, Kate?
He takes really good care of my grandma. He is a dedicated provider and must be a nurturer too.
He takes really good care of my grandma. He is a dedicated provider and must be a nurturer too.

If I could only tell you one thing about my grandpa, it would be that he has a giving spirit. He loves to give. He loves to see people smile. He just loves. And I think that's a pretty cool characteristic to have.
You know the drill; as always, I could go on, but I've told you the most important aspect of Grandpa Tony's personality.
I love you, Grandpa.
Aimee Lou
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