Well, I don't even know where to start. I guess that's why I'm writing this letter rather than trying to do this in person. Also, I blubber less in writing than when I try to speak.
Marge, you've been a teacher, a mentor, a friend, and a big sister to me and many others.
I've watched you love your beautiful children. I've seen you teach them about God and how He works in every circumstance, even the hard ones, as you are doing now. I've watched as you explain to them how other people are hurting and need their help, and have heard and seen them step up to that plate.
And my, how they've grown.

I can't believe Benny is such a little man now. Can it really have been so long since he was that tiny, round baby? Or that he used to say things like, "That Aimee show is hiwawious?" Such a funny boy. Some of my favorite things to read were the "Bennyisms" you would post. Always made me smile. Hopefully he won't hate me for saying this, but remember that time he ate all those fiber bars? Ok, I won't say anymore, but it was funny- to hear you tell the story. Probably not so funny to you at the time.

Watching Aubrey turn into such a caring young lady has been wonderful. To hear you tell about her musings about God and the way the world looks through her eyes warms my heart. She's always sounded older than her age, but now she's looking so grown up as well. I can only imagine how much more of a little mom she is now than she used to be. I also wonder how long it's going to be before she and Benny are taller than me.

I wish I had been around more to watch little Miss Tatum grow. I can't believe she's running around when it seems so recently that I held her in the hospital. But, I see the way her brother and sisters love her and I smile to think that she must fit in perfectly to the Wookey family.

And my Sammy. That ornery little stinker who had a secret language she used with her big brother at the dinner table. I think it was Sammy that first made me feel like I could be a mom and enjoy it, and maybe even be good at it. I always imagined being a mom, but didn't seriously think about it until she came around. The time I had with my little buddy was a wonderful little gift to me that summer, and I can't imagine all the joy she brings your family.

So many of us owe you and Roy an enormous "thank you" for keeping your home open to us for years. For many evenings of games, of watching for shooting stars, of singing, of playing with your kids, of eating way too many snacks, of sitting on your porch swing, of baby bath times, of laughing, of staying out too late because of good conversation. For hours of talking about God, about His goodness, about life, about love, about futures, about forgiveness, about grace.

You came from a life that was unimaginable to us and built one that we dream of. You are a testament of what being faithful to God can do. You've gone through hardships and learned to lean on God. You've taught us about sacrifice, giving, serving, and faith. You've given us some exceptional experiences.

You have been open, honest, and real with us. You are the person we can be the same way with. You are willing to call us out if needed. You've cried with us when we've cried, encouraged us when we needed it most, prayed over us almost every time we got together, and gave us the strongest hugs. You are family.

You are one of the girls. You sing and dance in the car right along with us. You joke around with us and have fun. You make us laugh. And when I most needed it but was terrified, you challenged me and prayed for me to develop strong friendships with girls at school.

You created a place for us to safely and openly learn about God and relationships. You've shown us what it looks like to be a supportive, respectful wife. You've been honest about your shortcomings and shown us that we will have some of our own and still be able to be good wives. I will always be grateful that you chose The Power of a Praying Wife to go through the summer before my wedding.

Margo, you are beautiful, smart, strong, loving, encouraging, thought-provoking, challenging, methodical, and fun. You are a model of a godly mother and wife. And we will be forever changed because of the time we've had with you and your family.

I hate to think that Canton will be Wookeyless again, but I know that you will be in the hearts of all the people you've ministered to. I also know that the community you end up in doesn't know the awesomeness that is headed their way.
I love you, Marge. Whether it's during a vacation visit or eternity, I will look forward to our reunion.
So heartfelt. Cried my way through the entire letter.
ReplyDeleteDear Aim,
ReplyDeleteIt has been 8 years since you wrote this, and we broke bread together. Eight fast and long years. I reread this when I got gone and am undone. God is so faithful to us. You ARE a beautiful and wonderful mother. You ARE and incredible and faithful wife. You ARE a tender woman of God believing him for things only He can accomplish. To learn your daughters, see their souls, and behold their young selves is such a gift and challenges me to continue to pray for them. I feel a little like a grandma, a mom, an aunt, a sister, and a friend all at once and I cannot get over what it is to behold answer to prayer like that. I miss you and after all these years, I should thank YOU…. for helping me realize what really matters in life at such a defining time. You ARE so very special to me. With tremendous affection, Your Marge💞