Today I have been listing and researching. I feel like such a grown up. Yesterday I researched "hard to kill household plants." Ok, maybe not a good gardener still, but a grown up, nonetheless.
Since I haven't been given my apartment spending allowance yet, I've been organizing my ideas and coming up with a list of things that I am certain I want to do. (Some projects still need brainstorming.)
I've decided, rather than a couple decent sized canvases, or one large one, to do a bunch of small canvases above our couch. So, today I looked up a wholesale canvas website. I can get ten, 8x10 canvases for about thirty dollars after shipping and handling. Didn't seem too shabby to me. I think the four good sized canvases I got for a steal at Michael's will end up in our room and the spare room. (Every time I say the spare room I think of Mr. Tumnus saying, "Lucy, from the land of Spare Oom.")

Like I said, I'm thinking about arranging either a cluster, or two rows of five canvases above the couch, so I will have lots of options to fill in with either transferred photos or paintings. Ideas?
Oh, another project I have in the works is changing up the pillows we got with our couch. Remember these bright red things?
Well, I've decided they just won't do for me on the couches. They will, however, be great in our room with the help of these great napkins I received last year!
I love the colors of these napkins! But, we just don't use cloth napkins unfortunately. They are just about the perfect size for covering two of those pillows though. The beige, taupe, and golden yellow already go perfect in our room, and the orange and deep red will be the perfect start to adding those colors as accents like I've decided I want. I'm going to cover two of the pillows, and then choose another complementary fabric to cover the other one.
Unfortunately, we do not have enough quarters lying around the apartment for me to do a load of laundry at the moment, and I want to wash them before I start this project. Soon!
For me, he prayed that God would help me find a job. Not just a job, but a position that I would love. One that would start a career for me. I cried more. Naturally. Partly because I'm getting emotional about finding one, and mostly because I have a good husband who wants me to not just find something to help us save money, but something that will fulfill me. Something special that God has planned.
Whew! - For real, friend! I am emotional these days. I can barely see my screen right now because of the blurriness. Ridiculous!
Well, the growling in my stomach is telling me it's time to eat, so I will talk to you later!
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