Had a lovely weekend with my family. Best part, aside from enjoying some good laughs while crafting, was thrifting with Mom and Kate. Jered and Dad were there too, but they aren't fun to shop with. (Sorry guys- it's true.) Unfortunately, I'm a bum and forgot to take out my camera at any point in time. I managed, however, to get a shot of this:
Did I lie? Forty-one socks I bagged up to throw away. Forty. One. However, my husband thinks he's sneaky and I saw the bag of them tossed up on the top shelf at the back of our bathroom closet. He thinks he's so smart.
On Monday night, Uncle Jered and Aunt Aimee got to babysit! That's right. We got to stare at this face all night.
This is Lily talking to Uncle Jered:
Uncle Nate came over too and brought pizza, or "za" as he calls it. Apparently it's the best pizza, excuse me, za, in the world, or something like that.
And this is Miss Lily loving Aladdin already. She is a smart, little lady.
So, I don't know if you have this problem, but my Bible, over time, gets filled up with sheets of paper I've taken notes on. Typically handouts from the bulletin or Sunday school classes. You know, to the point that it's much thicker than it should be.
In going through them, I've found loads of great notes that I should take stock of more often. I think I've said before that I was going to share some of said notes with you, but I must have gotten distracted. Today I took notice of some handouts from Rebekah's Sunday school class.
The class started out as a study of Jonah. We studied some other passages too, but the focus was on Jonah. Reba would also bring in lyrics to old hymns, new songs, old prayers, poems, quotes, and articles for us to read.
I don't want to get into all the babble regarding today's latest news because I feel a certain way, and I don't wish to get into it with people, one way or the other. (I'm sure you know what I'm referring to.) I think it's better for me to look at myself and see whether or not I'm living the way I should. How ironic then, that I should come across these notes I took in class.
"There is but one good, and that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns from Him." - C.S. Lewis
"When a fish leaves water, which he is built for, he is not free, but dead." - Tim Keller
Smart guys, huh? It would have been really easy for God to take away free will. You know, what if He saw that Adam and Eve obviously couldn't handle it, things were going to be disastrous, and He could have avoided all the bad things that resulted by making us act how He wanted? It could have been so smooth. No ripples in the water. He could have just done what Jafar wanted to do to Princess Jasmine, and forced us to love Him.

But God is not a villain. He wants us to choose to love Him. He wants us to embrace free will, but choose to do right. Each time I do something outside of His will, well, I hate to think what it does to Him. He is my heavenly Father. I know how terrible I feel if I do something that disappoints my dad, so why should this be any different?
It's so easy to get into the mindset of, "Well, God gave me free will, so I can do whatever I want. He will forgive me after all. Maybe I can have my cake and eat it too." But like Mr. Keller said, if we think we are free by going against what we are made for, we are sadly mistaken.
You know, when we were growing up, from time to time, purity would come up in youth group. Brandon often said that people want to ask, "How far can I go and still be pure?" He always told us we were asking the wrong question. We should be asking, "What do I need to do to remain pure? Purity is the goal- not pushing the limits towards impurity." I suppose that doesn't just refer to purity, but to how I'm trying to be Christ-like every day.
Do you ever notice how spiritual truths just bring everything full circle in your head all the time? For example: If I'm making Christ-likeness my goal, rather than a tether, I will be striving to live how I am made to live, therefore being "good" like the quote from C.S. Lewis suggests and fully alive as Tim Keller does.
Ok, in my head anyway, it came full circle because I didn't plan out this letter in advance, I just wrote as I thought of it, and it ended up coming right back to the first thing I wrote about without me trying to make it do so.
Well my friend, I think I will take my leave for now. I'd like to end my letter with this prayer- also a handout from class. Have a good day!
Suffer me never to think
that I have knowledge enough
to need no teaching,
wisdom enough
to need no correction,
talents enough
to need no grace,
goodness enough
to need no progress,
humility enough
to need no repentance,
devotion enough
to need no quickening,
strength sufficient
without Thy Spirit;
lest, standing still,
I fall back forevermore.
Eric Milner-White (1884-1964)