Well, the mysterious internet access is still intact. Obviously, I'm thrilled. This will make the time during which Jered is working, go by much more quickly.
Right now my bread-winning husband is taking a power nap. It's a dreary, cool day and is perfect for napping. So, I am sitting on the floor in my internet corner with my cold feet slipped up under the covers of our bed to warm them against his legs.
A large part of my weekend has been unpacking all of our boxes. Thankfully my dad brought us a ton and it happened to be the perfect amount for what we had. Anyway, as we've "entertained" over the weekend and relaxed in our new "pad," I have found it hard to sit and do nothing because the unopened boxes were so tantalizing. I just had to get everything out and in its proper place.
I am proud to say that they were all unpacked and broken down by yesterday afternoon. (Ok- that's not all that impressive since we came from a studio apartment- but you would be surprised at how much we managed to fit in there.)
Yesterday I had my first hours alone in our new apartment while Jered worked. I decided to go through some of his things to put away, and found all the letters I had ever sent him. What's a girl to do when she has hours of spare time? (Remember- I still had not found out about the surprise internet connection.)
I read them. All of them. I smiled. I was embarrassed at my sappiness. I wondered how bored he was reading some of the notes I had written during classes. I remembered what was happening at the time they were written. Freshly "in love" times, rocky times, almost married times. I looked at some old pictures. I saw the crossword I had made for him about us. The first Valentine's Day card I made him. The packs of daily letters I had written to him each time one of us was away on a trip.
At the end of my reminiscing- which took a good chunk of my afternoon- all I could think was, "I can't believe he kept all this." I mean, sure, I would have hoped he'd hold on to some of the birthday letters and my more creative attempts at letter writing. But he kept the little notes I had scribbled in my assignment books and calendar pages during classes too.
I was left thinking about how much I love this man, how much we've changed individually, and mostly, as a couple, how far we've come.

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