Hello again.
I'm sitting in the quiet of our new home. Getting used to the different noises. We no longer hear the Red Line approach and take off every few minutes now. The sound of sirens is something I think we've only heard once since we've been here, rather than every half hour or so.
Instead I hear new creaks and groans in the woodwork. I hear the breeze or fans rustling the blinds in our living room. I hear (and see) one of the light bulbs flickering... I should have Jered take a look at that. I hear the central air kick on and off.
As a rule, I don't like to sit in silence. Especially when I'm home alone. Especially when it's a home I'm not quite used to. But right now, it's pretty relaxing.
Well, do you remember when I first got hitched and was totally intolerable because of how much I wrote and gushed about my wonderful, new husband? I have a feeling that's how I will be with this apartment now. Sorry. You're going to be hearing about it alot I fear...
Today was "scrubbing down the bathroom and kitchen day." I don't think I told you, but when Jered and I first visited the apartment- it was appalling. I mean, we were excited because it was huge, we needed a place to live, and we liked the set up. But it was appalling. I mean, the people who lived here before us must have had zero pride in their home. And they certainly must not have had moms and grandmas that taught them the ins and outs of cleaning.
When Jered and I first saw the apartment after our move, it looked brand new! Everything was bright and cheerful looking, and we were thrilled. (Still are, but stick with me.) At second glance, the Grandma Cris in me saw the things they missed.
So today, I spent an hour in our bathroom, scrubbing down walls, dusting the woodwork, cleaning the crevices and corners they missed. Then, I did the same thing in the kitchen.
I will forever have a debt of gratitude to my family for instilling in me decent standards of cleanliness in my home. Don't get me wrong- I hate dusting. And I get a little messy sometimes with my clothes. Remember THIS?
But! I want my bathroom and my kitchen clean. I don't think I'm a clean freak at all, and Katie and Jered will probably back me up on that, but gooooolly- you would have been just astounded at what I was still able to wipe off those walls. Whew!
Well, just thought I'd share my little update. That's all. Ha.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Our New Crib
Hi friend.
I sure do hope you weren't thinking baby crib. Sorry to disappoint- this is just our version of MTV's show. Ha.
Well, I waited for morning so that I would have more natural light for the pictures, but I'm still not happy with them because they look too dark and yellowish. In real life- our apartment is nice and bright. So, just picture it that way, k? Also- I've found that taking pictures of a room is hard because it just doesn't fit in my camera's scope, but here we go anyway. Ready for the tour??
Welcome to our new home!
Make yourself comfortable! Watch a flick or choose a book, and relax on our love seat. (This will probably end up in a reading corner in our bedroom.)
What's that? You need a snack? Well, by all means, make your way over to our kitchen! (Yes- that is the griddle you see... Someone made pancakes for breakfast!)
See that?! A BRAND-SPANKIN' NEW DISHWASHER. This might be Jered's very favorite thing about our new home.
They also put in a brand new microwave and flattop stove!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that they put in all new linoleum and carpet. So we have pretty floors now. Ok- here's the "catch-all" room right now. Pardon our mess. I am still trying to figure out the best way to store and set up in here.
Katie, Mom and Dad, Beth and Herb, Jeremy and Kelly, Jessa- This will be your room when you come to visit us! Just, don't all visit at once, or someone will end up in the living room. Much better than our bedroom floor though, right?
Want to see our room? I thought so.
Well friend, that's about all of it for right now. Hopefully as the next couple weeks go on, I will have some updated views for you. I've already made a list of the things Jered and I can bring home after the family reunion this weekend. For example, our nice dishes and silverware, the new rug I got for our kitchen, some flowers for around the apartment, maybe my mirror, etc.
You know, whenever the boys I nannied for had a new toy, they couldn't wait to show me. It was the first thing they had to do in the morning. They were even like that when Mom and Katie first visited them. They had a mental list of everything they needed to show them. So, yes, I am exactly like a kid with a new toy- I couldn't wait to show you!
Please come again soon!
I sure do hope you weren't thinking baby crib. Sorry to disappoint- this is just our version of MTV's show. Ha.
Well, I waited for morning so that I would have more natural light for the pictures, but I'm still not happy with them because they look too dark and yellowish. In real life- our apartment is nice and bright. So, just picture it that way, k? Also- I've found that taking pictures of a room is hard because it just doesn't fit in my camera's scope, but here we go anyway. Ready for the tour??
Welcome to our new home!
This is what you see when you first come in the door. Please wipe your feet, and don't mind the boxes that need to be taken to the dumpster.
What's that? You need a snack? Well, by all means, make your way over to our kitchen! (Yes- that is the griddle you see... Someone made pancakes for breakfast!)
We now have more cabinet space than we know what to do with. Still trying to decide where all those paintings will go...
Ashley, this microwave stand works great for our coffee caddy now! It also adds some more counter space if we need it. Mom, those crates I got from Grandma's basement fit perfectly in here to keep everything together.
See that?! A BRAND-SPANKIN' NEW DISHWASHER. This might be Jered's very favorite thing about our new home.
They also put in a brand new microwave and flattop stove!
We also have some very nice additions to our fridge already. Precious, little Lily, and a colored picture from one of my little guys.
Ok- come see the rest! Here's our bathroom. I don't think the picture depicts how spacious it is compared to our last bathroom...
Katie, Mom and Dad, Beth and Herb, Jeremy and Kelly, Jessa- This will be your room when you come to visit us! Just, don't all visit at once, or someone will end up in the living room. Much better than our bedroom floor though, right?
Want to see our room? I thought so.
So, it's still looking a little stark everywhere, but keep in mind we came from a itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie studio. We have a little acquiring to do, and I don't want to hang up a bunch of stuff before I know where I really want it.
Oh yes- check out this closet. It's bigger than our last kitchen. By a lot. Just fantastic.
Eventually, we will have my mirror back on the chest, so that will help a little.
And here are a few special, little things around our room for now:
Our one and only printed wedding photo so far. (Yes, Beth- someday I will get some for you. Haha) The bottle from my birthday. (I plan on turning it into a vase.) The teacup I won at Myriam's bridal shower.
The music box Jered made for me for our first Christmas together. A wedding gift from Molly- those are our first dance lyrics on the tree, and our initials hanging in the hearts.
Well friend, that's about all of it for right now. Hopefully as the next couple weeks go on, I will have some updated views for you. I've already made a list of the things Jered and I can bring home after the family reunion this weekend. For example, our nice dishes and silverware, the new rug I got for our kitchen, some flowers for around the apartment, maybe my mirror, etc.
You know, whenever the boys I nannied for had a new toy, they couldn't wait to show me. It was the first thing they had to do in the morning. They were even like that when Mom and Katie first visited them. They had a mental list of everything they needed to show them. So, yes, I am exactly like a kid with a new toy- I couldn't wait to show you!
Please come again soon!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Favorite Box
Hi there.
Well, the mysterious internet access is still intact. Obviously, I'm thrilled. This will make the time during which Jered is working, go by much more quickly.
Right now my bread-winning husband is taking a power nap. It's a dreary, cool day and is perfect for napping. So, I am sitting on the floor in my internet corner with my cold feet slipped up under the covers of our bed to warm them against his legs.
A large part of my weekend has been unpacking all of our boxes. Thankfully my dad brought us a ton and it happened to be the perfect amount for what we had. Anyway, as we've "entertained" over the weekend and relaxed in our new "pad," I have found it hard to sit and do nothing because the unopened boxes were so tantalizing. I just had to get everything out and in its proper place.
I am proud to say that they were all unpacked and broken down by yesterday afternoon. (Ok- that's not all that impressive since we came from a studio apartment- but you would be surprised at how much we managed to fit in there.)
Yesterday I had my first hours alone in our new apartment while Jered worked. I decided to go through some of his things to put away, and found all the letters I had ever sent him. What's a girl to do when she has hours of spare time? (Remember- I still had not found out about the surprise internet connection.)
I read them. All of them. I smiled. I was embarrassed at my sappiness. I wondered how bored he was reading some of the notes I had written during classes. I remembered what was happening at the time they were written. Freshly "in love" times, rocky times, almost married times. I looked at some old pictures. I saw the crossword I had made for him about us. The first Valentine's Day card I made him. The packs of daily letters I had written to him each time one of us was away on a trip.
At the end of my reminiscing- which took a good chunk of my afternoon- all I could think was, "I can't believe he kept all this." I mean, sure, I would have hoped he'd hold on to some of the birthday letters and my more creative attempts at letter writing. But he kept the little notes I had scribbled in my assignment books and calendar pages during classes too.
I was left thinking about how much I love this man, how much we've changed individually, and mostly, as a couple, how far we've come.
That's all for now, but who knows? This girl's going to have lots of free time on her hands later. Maybe I'll talk to you then.
Well, the mysterious internet access is still intact. Obviously, I'm thrilled. This will make the time during which Jered is working, go by much more quickly.
Right now my bread-winning husband is taking a power nap. It's a dreary, cool day and is perfect for napping. So, I am sitting on the floor in my internet corner with my cold feet slipped up under the covers of our bed to warm them against his legs.
A large part of my weekend has been unpacking all of our boxes. Thankfully my dad brought us a ton and it happened to be the perfect amount for what we had. Anyway, as we've "entertained" over the weekend and relaxed in our new "pad," I have found it hard to sit and do nothing because the unopened boxes were so tantalizing. I just had to get everything out and in its proper place.
I am proud to say that they were all unpacked and broken down by yesterday afternoon. (Ok- that's not all that impressive since we came from a studio apartment- but you would be surprised at how much we managed to fit in there.)
Yesterday I had my first hours alone in our new apartment while Jered worked. I decided to go through some of his things to put away, and found all the letters I had ever sent him. What's a girl to do when she has hours of spare time? (Remember- I still had not found out about the surprise internet connection.)
I read them. All of them. I smiled. I was embarrassed at my sappiness. I wondered how bored he was reading some of the notes I had written during classes. I remembered what was happening at the time they were written. Freshly "in love" times, rocky times, almost married times. I looked at some old pictures. I saw the crossword I had made for him about us. The first Valentine's Day card I made him. The packs of daily letters I had written to him each time one of us was away on a trip.
At the end of my reminiscing- which took a good chunk of my afternoon- all I could think was, "I can't believe he kept all this." I mean, sure, I would have hoped he'd hold on to some of the birthday letters and my more creative attempts at letter writing. But he kept the little notes I had scribbled in my assignment books and calendar pages during classes too.
I was left thinking about how much I love this man, how much we've changed individually, and mostly, as a couple, how far we've come.

Monday, July 29, 2013
Marriage: Chapter Dos
Hi all!
Well, I have been largely without internet for almost a week now. Needless to say, we have A TON to catch up on! Luckily, this time I have several snapshots to help fill in the blanks.
In case you were wondering how I passed the time while Jered was in Des Moines and little old me was still in Chicago: I continued my nannying, finished working at the gym, worked out, and did a couple projects.
I shortened and cuffed these jeans all by myself!
And, I got this little clutch at a thrift shop because Jered always hates when I have him hold my things at weddings and such events, during which I don't want to carry my big ole honkin' purse. However, the inside looked gross, like someone's powder makeup had been smashed into it. So, I took this great animal print fabric I had, and sewed in a liner. Ta-daaa!
Then, to alleviate my boredom, I had visitors! First, my seester came up on Friday night. This is us at Union Station before an "adventure" to remember...
Remember that ridiculously hot week before the really lovely week? Well, I met Kate at Union Station at 9:30pm, when it was still 90 degrees outside... We got back on the dear red line and halfway home, the conductor announced they were sending the trains back south... Away from our destination. Looooong night into short story: Katie and I ended up walking for TWO HOURS to get home. Luckily- yes, there was an up side to this story- while we were on the train, it was pouring and the temperature dropped 15 degrees, and I actually knew where I was going. (Remember- we were two hours of brisk walking away from home.)
Well, we made it safely home. We were, however, completely exhausted and sore-footed. We kept them elevated and applied ice packs as often as we could the rest of the weekend. Yes- they were that sore.
Kate went to work with me and we enjoyed some time with three of my favorite little guys. Jeremy and Kelly also joined us for a fun beach excursion one afternoon.
Then, we did a family member swap, and Mom came to stay with me for the majority of the week. Thankfully- no "adventures" were in our schedule. Just nannying, and seeing the city for a little last-minute touristy day.
Thursday, Mom braved the bus on her own to get to Union Station and return home. I was on my own again. Cue "All by Myself." Jered wasn't going to be back until late the next day... WRONG! Husband surprised wife by coming home a day earlier than he says = happy wife. We were able to spend all of Friday afternoon together, roaming around some of our current stomping grounds before leaving them.
Wondering about Friday morning? Probably not, but I will tell you anyway: it was my last day of work.
You get all three of those because I love their little faces. Boy- I am going to miss them so much! I might be smiling in the pictures- but I was dying a little inside!
Well, on to MOVING DAY!
Thankfully, Jered and I have wonderful family. Family that comes during the week before moving to help Aimee pack everything because she's never really moved before. Family that wakes up incredibly early and brings a trailer to take Jered and Aimee to their new destination. Family that wakes up incredibly early to help move boxes. Family that wakes up incredibly early and showers us in donuts and coffee.
Saying goodbye to our first home together, was strange for me. On one hand, I was so excited to get to our new home. After all, this one was basically a married dorm room. And it was in a city where it took us an extra long time to get anywhere. And we had zero counter space. And multiple disagreements over whose turn it was to do dishes.
But it was also wonderful. It was a little sanctuary for us. It was our cozy little home. It's where our marriage started. Goodbye was bittersweet.
Another long story short: we doubled our trip time. We spent as much time pulled off to the side of the road, replacing tires, going to stores for parts, and making pit stops, as we did driving. Oh- one of the tires on the truck also had a blow out.
Thankfully- we were blessed by having Herb, who can fix anything car-related, and by getting through the day with smiles in the end and no injuries.
That leaves us, HERE! In Des Moines. We spent the rest of the weekend being welcomed by friends and family, getting unpacked and settled, and feeling generally ecstatic about our new home.
Last night, we played some poker, and I think it's only fair to mention that I kicked some serious tail by beating all four of the guys playing.
I was texting with Dad earlier today, and he asked me how I felt about the new place. I told him I loved it and couldn't wait for them to come see it. He told me I sounded like a little kid with a new toy, and that's exactly how I feel. I walk down the hall- we have a hall- and I just think to myself, "What can I do next?!"
I did that earlier, and came to our room to arrange it. I sat down to my computer in the corner of the room to turn on some music and found that we miraculously have an internet connection right now! So, I have been feverishly typing away, hunched over on the floor, afraid that if I move the computer, I will lose this little gift of internet access.
Whew! I think I've covered all the bases of the last couple weeks. Jered and I are feeling incredibly blessed right now and thank everyone who has helped make this move go smoothly and pleasantly.
That's about it for now!
Talk to you later,
Well, I have been largely without internet for almost a week now. Needless to say, we have A TON to catch up on! Luckily, this time I have several snapshots to help fill in the blanks.
In case you were wondering how I passed the time while Jered was in Des Moines and little old me was still in Chicago: I continued my nannying, finished working at the gym, worked out, and did a couple projects.
I shortened and cuffed these jeans all by myself!
Then, to alleviate my boredom, I had visitors! First, my seester came up on Friday night. This is us at Union Station before an "adventure" to remember...
Remember that ridiculously hot week before the really lovely week? Well, I met Kate at Union Station at 9:30pm, when it was still 90 degrees outside... We got back on the dear red line and halfway home, the conductor announced they were sending the trains back south... Away from our destination. Looooong night into short story: Katie and I ended up walking for TWO HOURS to get home. Luckily- yes, there was an up side to this story- while we were on the train, it was pouring and the temperature dropped 15 degrees, and I actually knew where I was going. (Remember- we were two hours of brisk walking away from home.)
Well, we made it safely home. We were, however, completely exhausted and sore-footed. We kept them elevated and applied ice packs as often as we could the rest of the weekend. Yes- they were that sore.
Kate went to work with me and we enjoyed some time with three of my favorite little guys. Jeremy and Kelly also joined us for a fun beach excursion one afternoon.
Then, we did a family member swap, and Mom came to stay with me for the majority of the week. Thankfully- no "adventures" were in our schedule. Just nannying, and seeing the city for a little last-minute touristy day.
Thursday, Mom braved the bus on her own to get to Union Station and return home. I was on my own again. Cue "All by Myself." Jered wasn't going to be back until late the next day... WRONG! Husband surprised wife by coming home a day earlier than he says = happy wife. We were able to spend all of Friday afternoon together, roaming around some of our current stomping grounds before leaving them.
Wondering about Friday morning? Probably not, but I will tell you anyway: it was my last day of work.
You get all three of those because I love their little faces. Boy- I am going to miss them so much! I might be smiling in the pictures- but I was dying a little inside!
Well, on to MOVING DAY!
Thankfully, Jered and I have wonderful family. Family that comes during the week before moving to help Aimee pack everything because she's never really moved before. Family that wakes up incredibly early and brings a trailer to take Jered and Aimee to their new destination. Family that wakes up incredibly early to help move boxes. Family that wakes up incredibly early and showers us in donuts and coffee.
Saying goodbye to our first home together, was strange for me. On one hand, I was so excited to get to our new home. After all, this one was basically a married dorm room. And it was in a city where it took us an extra long time to get anywhere. And we had zero counter space. And multiple disagreements over whose turn it was to do dishes.
But it was also wonderful. It was a little sanctuary for us. It was our cozy little home. It's where our marriage started. Goodbye was bittersweet.
Well, let me tell you about another adventure. We hit the road around 8:45am- about an hour after Herb with the trailer. Jeremy was squeezed into the backseat. Literally-squeezed in there. I'm not sure he could have had any less room.
Less than an hour later, we pass Herb on the side of the road. Changing a tire. Apparently, one of the trailer tires had blown out. (I don't know if that's the proper way to phrase that, but for this girl who doesn't know a lot about car mechanics, it's going to be.)
Hop back on the road. Jered looks in the rear view mirror. Lots of smoke coming from that new tire. We pull over again. Turns out, the inside of the tire was rubbing on the trailer and that's what had caused the blow out. Trouble is, same thing had just happened to the replacement. So the three guys do some handy work to make the tire last us til we get to a store to replace it again.
Another long story short: we doubled our trip time. We spent as much time pulled off to the side of the road, replacing tires, going to stores for parts, and making pit stops, as we did driving. Oh- one of the tires on the truck also had a blow out.
Thankfully- we were blessed by having Herb, who can fix anything car-related, and by getting through the day with smiles in the end and no injuries.
That leaves us, HERE! In Des Moines. We spent the rest of the weekend being welcomed by friends and family, getting unpacked and settled, and feeling generally ecstatic about our new home.
Last night, we played some poker, and I think it's only fair to mention that I kicked some serious tail by beating all four of the guys playing.
I was texting with Dad earlier today, and he asked me how I felt about the new place. I told him I loved it and couldn't wait for them to come see it. He told me I sounded like a little kid with a new toy, and that's exactly how I feel. I walk down the hall- we have a hall- and I just think to myself, "What can I do next?!"
I did that earlier, and came to our room to arrange it. I sat down to my computer in the corner of the room to turn on some music and found that we miraculously have an internet connection right now! So, I have been feverishly typing away, hunched over on the floor, afraid that if I move the computer, I will lose this little gift of internet access.
Whew! I think I've covered all the bases of the last couple weeks. Jered and I are feeling incredibly blessed right now and thank everyone who has helped make this move go smoothly and pleasantly.
That's about it for now!
Talk to you later,
Thursday, July 18, 2013
My Voice
Dear reader,
No, this isn't about my actual voice. Although, you should know, that in my head, when I wrote that, I totally heard Ariel asking Ursula about her payment.
I'm referring to my writing voice. You may remember recently I was raving about the blog from which I was looking for apartment ideas.
Well, one of her posts wasn't about what she was doing or making, but how she felt she was struggling to find her blogging voice. She didn't yet feel comfortable with any certain style.
That thought really resonated with me because I think I have these delusions of grandeur about what my writing will be like next the next time I write a letter.
I think to myself, "Oh, I know just how I want to word that." Or, "How can I best describe this experience, so that people will really feel what I felt?"
Then, of course, I sit down to actually do the writing, and it doesn't come out the way I plan. I would love to have a themed blog, where every time I write, it's somehow tied to everything else I've written. Is that so much to ask?
A big contributing factor, I believe, is that I just don't dedicate as much time to a letter as I used to. I used to plan. Sometimes, if a phrase popped into my head, or even a word, that I just knew I had to use in a letter, I would jot it down. Whereas, more recently, I've sat down and nearly done a stream of consciousness type of writing.
I have this idea in my head that I don't want to write just for the sake of posting a letter, but to write something meaningful. I guess, selfishly and unrealistically, I'd like each letter to be a real gem. But let's face it, that's not probable.
Something else I resonated with in that blog post, was that she often felt embarrassed or shy about her posts when someone would mention them to her. It's nice to know people read, but I've never been a limelight kind of person, and whether or not it shows, I feel like I blush terribly anytime someone addresses me about it.
One of my favorite comments I've received, was from you, Rebekah. You told me that you felt I was writing to you, personally. That's exactly what I want. I want each of you to feel like I am writing specifically to you. I guess, if I think that way, then I don't need to look for my voice anymore. It's just how I would talk to you in person.
Hmm... Maybe a little rambly today. My apologies. Do any of you, writers, have similar feelings when you write? I'd be interested to hear how you've developed your voice.
Well, until next time, friend,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
A Letter to my Husband
Hiya handsome.
(I hope that you're with Jake and Nate when you read this, so that you can get teased a little. Just kidding... well, maybe not completely.)
Hasn't it been a great eleven months? Before we got here, did you ever think we would spend most of our first year of marriage living in Chicago? I sure didn't. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that.
I remember being freaked out at the prospect of living in the city, and I know you still tease me about my city-slickness, but it seems so normal now. The thought of spending a year in a minuscule, studio apartment, was daunting. Especially one without a dishwasher. But we made it. Happily, I'd like to think.

I think back to all of the wonderfully cozy nights we spent in our little room. Cooped up with snow blowing around outside, while we watched a terrible Red Box movie with hot coco and popcorn. Or the afternoon that we did nothing but stare outside while listening to classical music. I will miss our great view...

I know I got frustrated sometimes at our circumstances. At not being able to start out in a bigger place. At our employment outlook. But you were never less than positive about everything. Thank you for that. You helped me keep life in perspective. Thank you for reminding me that it was just a short, wonderful season of our life together.
It really was wonderful, you know. I will miss our little place. I will miss it because it was ours. Our first place. Our first home.
We had some good memories during our year in Chicago, didn't we?
You decorated our apartment so wonderfully for our first Christmas.
(I hope that you're with Jake and Nate when you read this, so that you can get teased a little. Just kidding... well, maybe not completely.)
Hasn't it been a great eleven months? Before we got here, did you ever think we would spend most of our first year of marriage living in Chicago? I sure didn't. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that.
I remember being freaked out at the prospect of living in the city, and I know you still tease me about my city-slickness, but it seems so normal now. The thought of spending a year in a minuscule, studio apartment, was daunting. Especially one without a dishwasher. But we made it. Happily, I'd like to think.

I think back to all of the wonderfully cozy nights we spent in our little room. Cooped up with snow blowing around outside, while we watched a terrible Red Box movie with hot coco and popcorn. Or the afternoon that we did nothing but stare outside while listening to classical music. I will miss our great view...

I know I got frustrated sometimes at our circumstances. At not being able to start out in a bigger place. At our employment outlook. But you were never less than positive about everything. Thank you for that. You helped me keep life in perspective. Thank you for reminding me that it was just a short, wonderful season of our life together.
It really was wonderful, you know. I will miss our little place. I will miss it because it was ours. Our first place. Our first home.
We had some good memories during our year in Chicago, didn't we?
You decorated our apartment so wonderfully for our first Christmas.

We revisited our early dating stomping grounds.

We pulled together a pretty great couple's costume.

We had some great times with friends. Boy, am I going to miss them.

We attended our friends' wedding. And you looked smashing. (As always.)

(Thankfully, Kelly is handier with a camera than I am, and had some of these moments documented. I should probably disclose that I stole them from her on FB.)
I could write to you about so much more, dear husband, but my time at the computer is limited and I figure... our anniversary is coming up very quickly... So maybe I'll have another letter to write then.
I hope you had as great a time this year as I did.
I love you.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Hi there.
Well, moving day is quickly approaching. Jered and I spent the majority of our morning/afternoon packing up his stuff. I played the "meanie" role, as I forced him to go through all of his school stuff and decide what he was keeping and what he was going to throw away/sell online.
Fun way to spend our 11 month anniversary, right? Well, it will be more fun than the day we attempt to move our furniture out together. Really, really hoping that I can find a stand in for that experience.
Otherwise, this will be Jered:
And this will be me:
That's right. It won't be pretty. We'll just cross that bridge when we get there... Maybe I can bribe some of his buddies.
Have you seen The Secret of NIMH? Remember Auntie Shrew? Remember her freaking out because they weren't ready to move when the plow came? Well, that may be me when moving day comes around...
That's not a good look on anyone, right? You see why I am so looking forward to it? Luckily, I have found many helpful moving tips on Pinterest, many very obvious, but I probably wouldn't have thought of them on my own.
If you have any tips, I would love to hear them!
Have a great night, friend.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Birt-day Girl
Hi friend.
As I mentioned last week, I have been scouring DIY blogs for project ideas. Mom and Kate were gracious enough to dedicate a large portion of our weekend at home to crafting since it was my birt-day wish.
I was getting in the mood for it last week before we left for home, and I decided to look at Anthropologie online because I keep seeing all these people who make adorable knock-offs for much less money. I kept wondering how they came up with the ideas, and then I thought, "Well duh, Aimee. They probably look at the store and get their ideas from there." This girl's a smartie.
So I went to anthropologie.com and started perusing. I came across this scarf:
I was going to sew them together and thought this might be the easiest project I would have ever made. And then I realized. This scarf has loads of little tassels on the ends. All I have to do is tie those suckers together.
It was quite literally the easiest and quickest thing I've ever put together, and Anthropologie is selling their version for 50 bucks.
As I mentioned last week, I have been scouring DIY blogs for project ideas. Mom and Kate were gracious enough to dedicate a large portion of our weekend at home to crafting since it was my birt-day wish.
I was getting in the mood for it last week before we left for home, and I decided to look at Anthropologie online because I keep seeing all these people who make adorable knock-offs for much less money. I kept wondering how they came up with the ideas, and then I thought, "Well duh, Aimee. They probably look at the store and get their ideas from there." This girl's a smartie.
So I went to anthropologie.com and started perusing. I came across this scarf:

So, you double it up and it's a cute, dressy infinity scarf. I saw this and thought, "Hmm... I have a scarf and a long beaded necklace that I never wear... I could make this easily..."
I was going to sew them together and thought this might be the easiest project I would have ever made. And then I realized. This scarf has loads of little tassels on the ends. All I have to do is tie those suckers together.
It was quite literally the easiest and quickest thing I've ever put together, and Anthropologie is selling their version for 50 bucks.
I also took these outdated cargo pants that I had never worn, and cut them into some shorts that fit perfectly. I have already tripled their use in one week.
None of my projects that I did at home turned out just how I wanted. Ha. They require a tad more work before I will show them to you. But here are a few things that did turn out on our crafty day:
Katie made some earrings out of seashells from her NJ trip.
This is her infamous assymetrical pair.
I added the side zipper to this fantabulous tee.
Mom added the lace cuff to Kate's shorts,
and took them in for her since she's turning into a little skinny minnie. ;)
Since I'm going to be having some extra free time in the next few weeks, I will probably be joined to my sewing machine at the hip. You know, if it had one. Then I can show you some of my projects. Hopefully.
Are you wondering how my birthday went by and I haven't gushed about the cute stuff Jered did? Prepare yourself because here it comes. (Yay!)
He wanted to do something with just us, and didn't want to take away from our time at home, so he waited until we came back and had a night together.
I came home from a day full of work, a headache, and a hard hour of working out, to a clean apartment, music playing, and a candlelit dinner. We pretty much skipped our Valentine's Day tradition this year, so he incorporated it into my birt-day dinner this year. So, as you may recall, we had chicken noodle soup, Ruffles chips and dip, and sparkling juice. For my 5th year flowers, he chose a pot of five beautiful orchids, and for my birthday he gave me a book that he knew I would like since Molly had posted it recently. (I pretty much love everything she endorses.) Topping everything off, of course, was my annual poem, which naturally brought tears to my eyes.
Jered didn't want me to post this stuff because of the harm it could do to his street cred, but then I thought, "Oh please, which of his guy friends are going to read this blog and hurt that? Except for you, Jeremy, but you already know about Jered's sensitive side.)
All in all, I felt like a pretty lucky girl on my birt-day and unofficial birt-day. Sorry about my gushing, but you expect it by now, right?
Also- Happy Birthday to the real birthday girl today- Kelly! I hope you have a truly wonderful day!

With that, I leave you for today. Hope you're having a good one, friend.
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