So, I watched the movie Young Adult this week. I was pretty excited to see it because I really like Charlize Theron and I thought it was going to be funny.
It started out funny. It was that kind of quiet, dry humor, I guess. And then it took a turn for the depressing and twisted.
Basically, Mavis was the Prom queen, who ruled high school, turned into a had-been writer of "young adult" novels, but didn't know she was a had-been, and became an alcoholic loser who thought she was amazing. Sorry about that sentence structure.
She gets a notice that her high school sweetheart had a baby, and takes it upon herself to go back to her little hometown, which she loathes, to save him from what is most assuredly a boring and terrible life. Little does she realize that there is more to life than her designer swag, hair extensions, and remarkably good looks after boozing every night and passing out on her hotel bed.

(This is the face she wore for most of the film.)
Anyway, the film got me thinking about what kind of person I am, as Mavis had evidently not changed, or perhaps gotten worse since her years in high school. I wondered if I am a better person than I was at that time. Or maybe I've just stayed the same. I sure hope I'm not worse.
I figure, we should probably become better people as we age, right? Wiser, more patient, more thoughtful, stronger, and a host of a variety of other positive qualities. Here's hoping that I become more active in making that happen in my own life...
Oh- in other news- we get to meet our brand-spankin' new baby niece tomorrow! That's right- my very first, completely official niece! I can't wait to meet her perfect little face. It will be a good weekend.
Also, Jered chopped off his hair today. Bittersweet time at our house. Haha.
Well, talk to you later guys.
Good goal! Let's become more holy as God sanctifies us through and through :-)