Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This girl was sick for the majority of it. Have you seen Big Bang Theory? You know how Sheldon is when he's sick? You know how Leonard ran out of the apartment for his life while calling his friends, giving the warning, "code green?"
Well, if not, you should see it. Hilarious. And also, I felt bad for Jered having to deal with a wife who probably was alot like Sheldon this weekend. Pitiful.
Anyway, I don't remember if I told you, but we visited my family last weekend after we stayed at Jacob and Molly's. We wanted to surprise my dad for an early Father's Day since we couldn't see him this weekend. I don't know if he was really surprised or not though... He always seems to know what's going on somehow.
It was a lovely weekend. Mom and I did some bargain shopping, and Dad and Jered... you guessed it: played Wii Golf the whole time. Except for when we went to The Farm and had a chance to see a bunch of family. Then Jered jumped in on a Euchre game! He's growing up so fast.
But our family time did not end there! Last night we had the chance to spend time with alot of Jered's family while we celebrated Kelly's graduation. Soaking up as much time together as we can before we're all more spread out again. Justin's home for a bit before he takes off for his mission trip and then back to Cali. Jessica's heading off to college in Arkansas for the first time in August. Can you believe when I first met her, she was in 8th grade?!

And then, of course, we won't be living so close to Jeremy and Kelly for very much longer- which I've decided is going to be really weird. Road trips will be a must.
To our delight- Justin stayed with Jeremy and Kelly last night, and Jessa stayed with us, and it's a GORGEOUS day today- so fun is in the schedule this afternoon. Don't know how. Don't know where. But it is destined to be. Woo hoo!
I was going to write more today, but I think I'll stop there.
Til next time!
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