Wanna hear something crazy? I mean, absolutely insane, if you know me at all. Well, as you may or may not know, I've been working at a gym for the last few months. It's been great- awesome perks such as having free reign with the treadmill and the opportunity to work out with a trainer, sometimes with a group and sometimes one-on-one. Anyway, you might be surprised by that part, but that wasn't the shocking part.
This is: they're doing a jean challenge right now, and I decided to test it out a little. Basically, I have to completely alter the way I eat.
Yeah. Aimee no likey.
Why is this a big deal? Because Aimee loves bread. And crackers of almost any kind. And sugared up coffee. And yogurt. And cereal. And oatmeal. And pizza. And eggs and toast. And juice. And not vegetables.
You may have guessed it... those are alllllll things I am no longer supposed to have. Except the vegetables... I'm supposed to have lots and lots of those. To some people this is not a big deal, but what my husband and I have observed about my eating habits is that I have zero will power when it comes to food. I am literally like that crying child up there when it comes to broccoli. Ask Jered.
The worst part so far has been when he ate leftover pancakes in front of me the other night. Boo Jered.
However, I have found that I can add extra veggies into my diet by making those green smoothies everyone's been raving about! They were right- you really can't taste all that spinach! Fantastic find for this girl.
Anyway, enough about Aimee's eating habits. That's not what this letter writing is about, is it. Nope. But it is about life, so I guess that's my rationalization. Haha.
Insert relaxed sigh here. Heading down to the Flinkman's today to celebrate. In just an hour or so, I will be piling into a car with Jered, Jeremy, Justin, and Kelly, and we will make our way to see more family. Yay!
Well, I hope you all have a lovely Memorial Day weekend. I know I am going to, although I must say it will be weird to not be with my family! I miss you all very much and hope to make it home soon!
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