This morning, as I watched my husband reluctantly wake up as I bounced into bed with a cup of coffee and my book, I was struck with how much I like him.
I know, I know- "Don't you mean love him?"
Well of course, silly. Jered and I always think of loving each other as a given. We always will. Even if we don't feel like it. It's a choice, and we will choose to love each other no matter what.
Liking each other- that's the real compliment. We won't always like each other. In fact, sometimes I really don't like him... like when I sit down with my lunch, and he takes a huge bite out of my sandwich. Aimee does not share food.
Anyway- today, I looked at him as he woke up and as he got ready for class. I couldn't help but smile as he rubbed sleep from his eyes, hair wild. Or as he declared his new favorite outfit is an over-sized long underwear shirt and his baggy, old jeans with his Sanuks. Or as he pulled me into a dance while listening to The Doors Light my Fire.
So yes, I will always love my husband. Even when he's not so lovable. And I'm quite blessed to be able to say I will far more often than not like him too. I only wish I could share all of his really likable traits with you, but he probably wouldn't appreciate that much.
On a different note, the picture above was my subject today as I dove back into my sketchbook. Hopefully, I will have some photos to share with you soon. My goal is to have a new project at least once a week. We'll see how that goes.
Well, for now, I shall let you go. I hope you have a very nice middle of the week today.
Until next time,
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