Bear with me... It might get lengthy here...
First off, let me fill you in: Tuesday was my last day at work. I went back to visit today, and will be going back tomorrow for lunch. To say I'm sad to go is a gross understatement. I will miss everyone there tremendously. Also, after talking to Rob, I mean Dr. Bobell today, I've decided that one day, I will write a post of all the ocular health knowledge I've gained.
Second, Katie and I have spent the last couple days running wedding errands and starting projects at home while Mom and Dad are away. Pictures of those to come later! Can't ruin the surprise, can we?
Speaking of WEDDING! This weekend, one of my favorite couples are tying the knot. Pallory. You remember them, of course. I'm sure I'll have an update on how that goes later. And then... drum roll please....................... I'm getting married next weekend!! Words cannot describe, so I'm not going to try.

You all know the sappy part of my excitement, and let's face it- it's not really necessary for me to talk about that in detail. But next weekend will also bring friends I haven't seen in months, and even years. I may just cry. It's been since graduation that I've seen some of them.
Well, maybe I should get on to the meat of this letter. That was quite a lengthy introduction...
I'm sitting at home alone, listening to the Legends of the Fall soundtrack, and drinking peppermint mocha coffee. What is it that brought me back to my letter writing in the midst of all the wedding preparations I should be working on, you ask? I'll tell you: Grace.
I'm going to take a leaf out of Molly's book tonight and look at that word.
Grace has alot more meanings than I thought it did.
There's a little girl from church named Gracie. She's one of the most adorable, and truly fascinating children with whom I've had a chance to converse.
(I stole this from her mom's FB page.)
We can have a physical grace, such as the kind my almost-husband exhibited when he fell out of the car, but managed to save the milkshakes. (Fantastic moment in our early days of knowing each other.)
This picture was taken close to that time... isn't he adorable? I'm marrying him next week!
Close to our family's heart right now, is the grace that God has bestowed on our cousin, Bryan. Last week he was diagnosed with cancer. After the horrible, initial shock we felt at knowing that our beloved 21 year old has cancer, it has been evident that God is at work, and the prognosis continues to look better.
This is an older picture of Bryan. I took it back in his senior year of high school. I chose it because our Bry is strong. And I know that the Lord will give him the strength to get through this.
But there's really just one I've been thinking about lately. Which one?
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.
My, how lucky I am that God does not base His love for me on works. Without His grace I would be lost. Tonight, I am in awe of His patience and His unconditional, unending love.
Do you remember the parable Jesus told about the unforgiving servant? If not, here's the gist, in my very, paraphrased terms: So, an employee went to his boss, whom he owed, let's say $1000. (That's 3 zeroes, k?) The employee couldn't repay his boss, so he was going to be thrown in jail. He got down and begged for forgiveness and for more time. His boss, not only kept him out of jail, but forgave him his debt. He wrote it off. The employee no longer owed him $1000. Nice, huh? So then, this employee went to a lesser employee, who owed him less money, we'll say $100. (That's only 2 zeroes.. not as big a deal, right?) He didn't have the money and begged for more time, but was instantly thrown into jail.
(Please, go to Matthew 18:21 for the original rendition of this story, ok?)
I share this story because, how often am I like that first employee? Not necessarily in monetary terms, but just in terms of grace? How would my standing be if God gave me as much grace as I give others? That thought's a little scary.
I admit to you right now, this week, I struggled giving Jered grace. For something that wasn't really his fault. It's just an occupational hazard of being a full time student and someone who's getting married in a week and a half. I got so frustrated about the fact that he is going to be putting an intense amount of work and time into school these last couple weeks because it's going to affect our "right now." I am so short-sighted, that it is hard to remember that his dedication to school is to prepare for us to have a good future. By next Saturday, what I was upset about this week won't matter in the least.
That's just one, little example of how I believe God has been speaking to me about grace this week. I can't help but feel that we should take a leaf out of His Book, and be gracious and loving to each other. Why is it so hard? Jered's the man I'm going to marry after all! If I can't show him grace, how am I going to show it to anyone else?
Tonight, my prayer is that God will move in my heart. That He will show me grace in abundance and that I may be able to show it to those around me.
How precious does that grace appear...
Talk to you guys again soon!
Great insight, Aimee! Keep exploring that truth! In my experience, truth like that comes when we can most apply it :-). Can't wait to see you!
ReplyDeleteDitto to Molly's comments! This is very insightful! Anxious to see the "surprise" projects at home! Love you!
ReplyDeleteGasp! Mooom, you're not supposed to be online! You're supposed to be on vacation so you don't know that there is a surprise! Doggonit! =)
DeleteBeautifully written... and of course made me cry.