It has occurred to me that some of my recent posts have not been overwhelmingly uplifting. To quote Theoden of Rohan, "Dark have been my dreams of late."
Let's have a laugh, eh?
If my incredibly nerdy reference to Lord of the Rings wasn't enough to get you laughing, allow me to let you in on the conversation that just took place in our living room:
Mom's looking over some kind of child development article. She was reading about good home lives, and turned to me suddenly and said, "Do you remember your childhood?"
Random, I thought. I nodded yes.
"It says a home should be warm, organized, and predictable. Was our house warm?"
My immediate thought was about how Dad doesn't let us touch the thermostat, so I answered, "Not in the winter."
"I dooon't think that's what they mean."
In the meantime, we hear Dad come in the back door and get his plate ready for dinner.
"I will predict that he is going to come in here and tell me that I'm in his chair," I quipped.
Enter stage left: Dad, who says nothing at first and stares at me until I move.
"What are you doing," Mom asks him.
"Someone's in my chair."
Our home...
Predictable? Sure.
Forgettable? No way.

I laughed lol