Ok, so I've had a lot of time to write today... Three posts is probably a little crazy, but I don't always have time or energy to do it during the week. So, allow me to celebrate Father's Day by telling you about my dad.
My dad, Eric Lane Rude, is a die hard Cardinals fan, a ruthless card player, a vacation enthusiast, a bug-squasher, a hunter, and above all, a godly man. My earliest memories of my dad include him reading bedtime stories, wrestling on the living room floor, and riding on his shoulders.
He took us on annual vacations. We went skiing, hiking in the mountains, museum and sight-seeing, and show-watching. We experienced the Statue of Liberty, the coast of Maine, Disney World, Hanging Lake in Colorado, and this summer he's taking us to Florida, where we will stay right on the beach.

Dad wants to go to every state. When we vacationed in Vermont, we drove to Rhode Island for lunch. He pulled to the side of the road, so that we could get out and touch the ground in Connecticut. He also pulls over to allow us time to play in mountain creeks.
My dad has the best laugh. We call it the hoarse laugh. He shares it with Grandma Cris, Aunt Sember, and Uncle Colby. It always makes us laugh even more. It's wheezy, and although their mouths are open, just a squeaking wheeze escapes.
Dad has a big heart. He struggled with deciding to get us a dog because of how he felt after his childhood pet died. He caved though... twice. I think that seeing us upset when they died was really hard for him, so no more pets for us.
When I was going into the 8th grade, we found out that Dad had cancer. It was alarming that something like that could happen within our home. We were blessed with God's protection, and he has been cancer free since the end of that year.
I am so grateful for the way our dad raised us. I wouldn't say he spoiled us, but he sure did work hard to give us almost whatever our hearts desired. It was never expected though; it was always a special treat. Dad helped keep us grounded and appreciative.
While Dad is very slow to anger, he is also a no nonsense kind of guy. Growing up, if Katie and I got out of line, it was dealt with quickly. As a result... we didn't get out of line very often. (At least, that's what I'd like to think.)
My dad has taught us what it means to put God first. We never opened presents on Christmas morning without first reading about the birth of Jesus. Missing church was never an option, and we were always encouraged to be more involved. He has always showed us what it means to give thanks for every blessing, and how to give back to God, both through serving and tithing.
He is sacrificial. A wonderful portrait of what our heavenly Father is like. I suppose that's the best thing about my dad. He's a great demonstration of God's love for us.

Aim, You captured your dad, too...forgot to mention that he's a pretty wonderful husband too...but I guess, that is my job! :) Your dad loves being a dad...that goes without saying...You and Kate are his joy and I have loved watching the three of you interact; I never cease to be amazed and while I think you guys have caused some of my gray hairs, I can't imagine how many years you all have added to my life because of all of the laughter! No one could enjoy being a dad as much as your dad has enjoyed being yours and no one could take that grave responsibility more seriously. We are indeed blessed! :)