I obviously have many fond memories of my time at Trinity. One of those memories is Midnight Melton. This was when the dining hall was open until the early morning during finals week. The draws of Midnight Melton? Food, games, and friends.
Sure, I tried to study at Midnight Melton. I even succeeded in reading The Tempest in one sitting on one such late night. However, one of my favorite Midnight Melton nights was the night that several friends, Jered, and I played The Game of Life.
Sure, I tried to study at Midnight Melton. I even succeeded in reading The Tempest in one sitting on one such late night. However, one of my favorite Midnight Melton nights was the night that several friends, Jered, and I played The Game of Life.
Flash forward two years.
I'm working at Sam Leman's Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Peoria. (I never saw this as a possibility when I was playing the game of course. I was thinking something more along the lines of... I don't know... rockstar? Yes, that's much more "me.")
A couple months ago, my friend and co-worker, Traci, thought it would be a great idea to make a game of Sam Leman's. (Co-worker is too cold for Traci's personality... stick with "friend.") Fortunately, business has been booming. Unfortunately, our dreams of creating a Sam Leman's board game were put on hold.
This changed a couple weeks ago. For some reason, we had an absurdly slow day and decided to do some spring cleaning around the office. We even fixed a hole in the wall after stashing a note from the two of us, inside. Very time capsule-esque.
And, wonder of wonders! Our board game took its first step into fruition. Now, it's only on a dry erase board, so it's nothing permanent, but it's on its way. You simply draw a card that tells you a Sam Leman's-related situation and move accordingly. A group favorite is, "You get Greg to answer a phone call. Move forward three spaces." You may need to know that Greg is very difficult to reach on the phone to appreciate this card.

Two weeks ago, my game piece on the Game of Life at Sam Leman's received a surprising card. "You have an interview on Monday for a job three blocks away from home. Remove from game board."

Two weeks ago, my game piece on the Game of Life at Sam Leman's received a surprising card. "You have an interview on Monday for a job three blocks away from home. Remove from game board."

For a place at which I never intended to work for very long, it is a place I'm finding very difficult to leave. As frustrating as my job could be, I've really enjoyed it and the people working alongside me. I will miss all the laughs and stories from Sharon, Traci's "nuh-uh's" when she drops her ice-cream on the floor and her wonderful personality, Rick's early-morning singing, and many other things.
Before I make you think I'm unhappy about this move, let me reassure you: I'm incredibly excited to start working for Dr. Bobell. I will be working with Aunt Diane in a beautiful new office. I will be able to walk to and from work instead of driving almost two hours a day. I will also be able to sleep-in two more hours each day if I want.
This is a good change for me, and God provided it at just the right time. I suppose He always does, doesn't He?
Well faithful followers, next week I may be able to sleep-in two extra hours, but tomorrow I still have to get up at 5... so this is the end for us tonight. Pleasant dreams!
back to back posts! i MAY be more excited about that than the job. Just kidding :) Congrats! That's great! I'm excited for you!