Sometimes... I'm only home on the weekends...
Sometimes... I don't feel like spending my few hours of free time picking up after myself...
Sometimes... my room gets a little messy...
This is always Katie's reaction to such an atrocity.
I guess this is one area in which I've proven to be more relaxed than Katie. Such a category also includes: germaphobia, organization, and soaking dishes. I will not use hand sanitizer before every meal at a restaurant, keep my books and movies in a particular order, and I don't mind letting dishes soak for half an hour or so before washing them. Katie... is the opposite.
Anyway. On the night these crime scene photos were taken, I decided to be a bit ambitious. I went for the kill... cleaning out my closet. It was an absolute disaster, and things definitely got worse before they got better.
In the words of Professor Slughorn, "But that's life, I suppose."*
My life will be messy and unorganized. This isn't a surprise. It's obvious. Sometimes it helps to come right out and say it though. And the cliche of all cliches comes into play here as well. "The night is darkest before the dawn."
Sometimes... my room becomes a war zone...
Sometimes... I forget the color of my carpet...
Sometimes... I'm just fine with that fact... you would be too if you had pink carpet...
Sometimes... I like to throw clothes on the floor just to see Katie's reaction...
It always brings a smile to my face.
*Taken from the film The Half-Blood Prince, and is best read in a slightly slurred, British accent.
AAAAhhhhhh, Aim, Thanks for the smile on my face, the tears of laughter in my eyes, and the sheer joy of being your mum. This was a beautifully honest picture of your life! Love you, Sweetie~
ReplyDeleteThis post is funny. I haven't seen my bedroom floor in about a month. I keep telling myself I'm going to clean it, but I think the entire process will take me about 24 hours, so I always end up putting it off...
ReplyDeleteHa!! Laughed out loud at this one because this is what we lived through for 2 years - together :)
ReplyDeleteYes, the daunting task of attacking the closet or the sea of clothes on the floor seems to create an even bigger sea before it eventually evaporates away.
Happy cleaning!
Haha. The unfortunate part is that the pictures were taken before I started in on the closet... Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI am glad i am not the only one who have slobby kids! But then again perhaps it is a Rude trait perhaps?