After church we enjoyed a delightful Chinese food dinner while watching Knight and Day. It was the second time for me. (Last night Katie and I watched it with Uncle Donny and Tyler. We had a fun uncle/niece/cousin date. The best part was when Uncle Donny said that he had thought his wife was gone for the week, but surprise! We're just like her when it comes to excessive talking during movies.)
Oops- tangent.
I spent the remainder of the afternoon cleaning my room... Good news- the pink carpet is quite visible. Is that good news?
While getting things ready for a week of work, I watched movies and revelled in the delicious scent of my new mulberry/raspberry/blackberry candle that permeated my room.
I bet you can't guess what we're doing now.
We are watching Knight and Day again.
Crazy, I know, but here's the rationalization. Jesse, Oscar, and Katie weren't here earlier today, Dad slept through the whole thing the first time, and of course, Katie and I just like watching funny movies over and over again.
And in my humble opinion, this movie is quite funny. And I don't even like Tom Cruise. In fact, I think he's a little creepy, but his eccentricity in this film makes me laugh. I don't typically like Cameron Diaz either, but this is definitely my favorite character that she's portrayed.
I think my favorite thing about June is that she is almost child-like. She also has hilarious reactions to the madness going on around her.
Tangent! I'm not here to give you a movie review, although I would recommend it. I'm here because I'm pondering life. Ha, well maybe not quite so deep as that.
Tangent! I'm not here to give you a movie review, although I would recommend it. I'm here because I'm pondering life. Ha, well maybe not quite so deep as that.
In the movie, Roy explains to June what will happen if she doesn't stay with him. "With me..." His hand goes up in the air. "Without me..." His hand goes low to the ground. He repeats this sequence three times in a way that makes Katie and me giggle.
Today in church, the message was on peace.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:7
To activate this peace, this unexplainable peace, we have to trust in God. The God of peace will be with us. This is "a promise and a life-changing truth." Ok... I don't know about you... but this seems like a no-brainer to me. Why would I want to turn down this peace and take on the worries and anxieties of the world?
Silly as this parallel may seem, June stuck with Roy. She put her life in his hands, and ended up with just that. A life. A better life than she had before. Now, since Roy is Tom Cruise, just think how immeasurably better our lives will be if we stick with God. The difference is so great that it seems wrong to compare the two... but I hope you get my point.
Now, excuse me while I finish this flick for the third time in two days, and listen to the rain and thunder that is fantastically punctuating the night.
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