Friday, May 16, 2014

School Didn't Show Me How To:

Happy Friday.

Dawson's Creek has been my latest time-filler.  It used to be the IT show.  Now it seems incredibly cheesy; although it was fun to see all the styles I remember from junior high.  Anyway, today I made it to the finale of the show.  In case you haven't seen it- majorly sad.  The whole time I watched it, I was telling myself to keep it together- not to cry.  "Conceal, don't feel.  Don't let it show!"

Now that I'm through that, I'm watching World War Z.  I'm not into the whole zombie fad that seems to be taking over the nation, but this is a seriously good movie.

Well, the writing prompt today is to tell you things I've learned that school didn't teach me.

Sometimes I think that list is made up of everything that matters.

Yep. Still haven't used algebra.
(Hahaha, sorry, Mrs. Dare.)

But honestly, I think the most important things I've learned to do/am learning to do, are things that I've learned through real world experiences.  (After all, to my dismay my education hasn't landed me any jobs yet.  I've been forced to lean on my sparkling personality.  Haha.)

My jobs have taught me to serve, and more importantly, to serve with a smile, to put others' interests ahead of my own, and to be polite when someone doesn't seem to deserve it.  

Thankfully, I had the opportunity to work in a way that taught me a little about parenting too.  I guess you could take a foods course and a life skills course to learn how to cook and maybe sew a little.  You could take a health class to save your child's life if he or she was choking.  But to really be a parent?  That, I'm learning all from watching people around me.

I'm trying to learn to be a good wife, and that just wasn't covered in any class curriculum.  Trying to figure out how to be supportive, encouraging, prayerful, selfless, respectful.  (I think sometimes, in school, respectful gets confused with obedient.)

I suppose I could summarize all this by saying that I don't think school, and by school, I mean the information covered in all the different curriculum, taught me how to be an adult.  I think all of that came from experience and examples, not lesson plans.

(Please note that I have an extreme respect and gratitude for teachers!  My mom is a teacher, and so are many of my friends, and I know all too well the amount of dedication and care they put into their students and their education.)

Well, that's all from me for today.  Have a good weekend.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Want to drive me crazy? Pin a few of these.


Well, I'm not doing so hot on the writing every day challenge.  Oh well.  We'll get through them someday, guys.

Today I not only have permission, I am directed to go on a rant about something that bugs me.  Alrighty then.  Let it begin.  

While I wouldn't call myself a health nut, much to Jered's dismay, or an endlessly dedicated workout junkie, over the last few years, I have grown to care about being fit.  It started out as going on jogs a few years ago, just trying to stay active.  More of a preventative measure.  

During the last year and a half, thanks to Jered and a fabulous family that hired me as a nanny and employee at their gym, my ideas of health, fitness, and nutrition have changed drastically.  I still am not the best eater.  I really love junk food and pop.  However, the other day, rather than going for some ice cream, I opted for a green smoothie.  (Internal fist pump!)  

And while my lifting has dropped off drastically since moving, I am always conscious of how I treat my body, how quickly it returns to the pre-workout days' state, and am generally more in tune with what's going on with my body.  It really is a different world- a lifestyle.

So, this brings me to my current biggest pet peeve: Pinterest "thinspirations." 


The ones that I really, really loathe?

Getting fit for summer.

Get Fit for Summer: 2014 Exercise Guide

I need to get skinny for summer. YES. Beach. Sun. Not feeling like crap in a swimsuit. About 90 days to get ready!! GO!

"ultimate goal" As with all quotations, the last pinner left this behind. This should not be the ultimate goal. A strong, well-nourished body should be the ultimate goal. Skinny is not inherently healthy (nor unhealthy).

Fitness Motivation!

Ok- the first two aren't that bad because they're about getting "fit."  Bravo.  But, just "for summer?"  

You want to know what I knew, but nonetheless have experienced this last year?  If you're just trying to get fit for summer, you are literally wasting your time.  It's much better to make it a year round, non-stop lifestyle.  I'm finding that the treadmill would have made a world of difference if Jered had found it in the fall.  A tight pocketbook, and laziness contributed to far less working out during the colder months, and essentially undid much of the work I did last year.  (I'm well aware that I only have myself to blame though.)

Those last four pins, boy, they push my buttons.  I admittedly have very often fallen prey to that mindset, and that is why I'm so grateful to my Skokie family for continually pounding into my head how much better and more important it is to be fit, healthy, and strong, rather than skinny.

I also really hate when people continually pin grossly skinny, unattainable, and unhealthy looking bodies to their "thinspiration" boards.  Maybe it's a little hypocritical of me to say all this since I'm a fairly new convert to the fitness-minded world, and not necessarily a strong follower.  If so, I apologize.  However, I suppose part of the reason I hate those pins so much is because they are so easily influential, and it is so easy to fall back into having a horrible self image.  

I struggle horribly with that, but you know when I have felt the most confident?  Not when I was in my smallest jean size ever.  It was when I was my strongest.  My fittest.  My sweatiest.  

I even follow a couple fitness blogs.  However, I'm teaching myself not to get caught up in comparing myself to the writers, but to simply learn from their tips and practices.  I'm finding it a much healthier way of thinking.  (Although last night, I did in fact ask Jered if my, excuse me, butt looked wide in my jeans.)  It's a constant struggle, but I'm learning, and I don't need any of those stupid "skinny" pins to get in my way.  

So there, take that thinspiration pinners!  Knock it off!

Whew!  I feel better.

Ok, enough ranting.  Have a nice day!


Monday, May 12, 2014

My Favorites


Today's writing prompt, well, it really isn't a writing prompt.  Today I'm supposed to share links to my favorite posts in my blog's archives.

It doesn't really specify whether they are supposed to be my personal favorites, or the most visited posts.  At first I was going to go about it completely scientifically because that would be easier.  After all, my blog posts the five top visited.  I wouldn't have to do any extra work.

However, I think that would be less fun and a little skewed because I'm pretty sure that more people than normal clicked on OUR NEW CRIB because the title was misleading.  So instead, I am going to spend a little time going through past posts and reminiscing to find my personal favorites.

THE CISSNA PARK JOURNEY may always be a favorite of mine.  It was such a miserable experience at the time, and thanks to allergies, bug bites, and cuts, the miserable feelings lingered after we returned.  However, it made for a really fantastic story and memory with what at the time were my future siblings and husband.

I have to admit that I like SLOW LEARNER and GRACE because sometimes I need a little dose of what God's been teaching me.

I enjoy FORWARD MOTION because I often find that I need to take a closer look at the health of my relationships.

MARRIAGE: WE ARE NOW SECOND YEARS is one of my favorites because it lets me revel in the past and look toward the future, which is certainly bright.

And finally, my pièce de résistance: A LOVE LETTER.  Duh.

Ok, I shared a few more than I planned, and I don't know that all of them are actually favorites, so much as they are my favorite types of letters.  I think I can safely say the last one is absolutely my favorite though.  So if you have a little extra time, click around and reminisce with me.
Til next time,


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Accidental Nocturnalism


Today the writing prompt of the challenge is to get real and discuss a struggle I'm facing right now.  Um... we've covered that pretty well, I think.  Therefore, I thought I'd share a fun little story with you instead.

Something I've learned about Flinkman boys in the last several years is that they all have a proclivity for middle of the night action.

Ok, now remove your minds from the gutter.  I'm talking about sleep walking and talking.

I have witnessed Justin get up and ready for work in the middle of the night while the rest of us were watching a movie.  I have heard stories about Jake sitting up and waving at people.  Jered tends to bolt upright in bed and talk.

In my opinion, Jered is an interesting case.  Maybe I'm biased.  Anyway, I think he must have nightmares or something because when he does stuff in his sleep, it almost always completely freaks me out.  It doesn't help that a string of expletives typically accompanies whatever he's doing.  Everything seems more serious when punctuated with those, right?

For instance, one time he jerked the sheet up and shouted, "What was that?!"  (I'm leaving the choice words out for our sensitive eyes.)  This was in our Chicago apartment, where we often found large spiders dangling from the ceiling, so I immediately thought he had felt something gross and creepy crawl over his foot.  Even after I was aware he was sleep talking, I was petrified for the rest of the night.

His actions/words have also led me to believe that he saw or heard someone break into our apartment.  (So far he hasn't grabbed his machete- if he ever does, that will cue the end of it's residence in our room.)

These days (or nights, actually) I can usually tell when he is asleep.  I just talk back to him for a bit, and then try to calm him down.

Last night, we had a hilarious episode.

Again, he sat up suddenly and spewed a fine line of words I can't use here.  Then he leaned back, curled up into a ball, and threw the sheet over his head.

"Jered, are you ok?" (In my best nurturing-mom voice)

"Look above us"  (In a tiny, frightened voice)

"What's above us, Jered?"  (Holding back giggles)

"Wasps."  (In a little whisper)

At this point I couldn't hold the laughter in for another second; I burst.  He peeked out from under the sheet, and I pulled him up into a snuggle, making sure he was now awake, and we relived what he had just done.  It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and I laughed until tears streamed down my face.  We resettled into bed to go back to sleep, and I continued to spontaneously burst into fits of laughter as I kept picturing it in my head.

This morning Jered asked me, "Did you wake me up last night?  I kind of remember you talking to me."

So we got to relive it again as I acted out what he did.  More laughter ensued.

It truly is the little things, isn't it?  I'm so grateful for this silly, little trait of his that can give me a good laugh now and then.  I find it ridiculously cute.  (I'm sure he would hate that description, but I can't help it.)

Well, I hope this glimpse into our lives gave you at least an extra smile today.

Talk to you later,


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Five Favorites

Hello there!

You are in for a treat today!  That is- if you are up for some extra reading.  I say that because today I get to share five of my favorite blogs with you and a little bit of why I love them, or in other words, why you need to read them.

I've already told you about a few of the blogs I read.  Some of them are written by people I know, most by people I've never even met.

I've decided to share with you my five favorite blogs by women I've never met.  The more blogs I read, the more I realize just how big and connected the blogging world is.  I mean, they get together for conventions and retreats and all kinds of stuff.  My little spot here is like one piece of sand on the beach.  It astounds me how much is out there, and how even with my list of around fifty, I've barely scratched the surface.  Anyway, each day I hope to see a new post from these ladies- to be entertained, encouraged, inspired.

This young woman is the mother of two cute little guys.  Much of her blog now is fashion advice, but she also does some decor posts.  She is an artist and a seamstress, so she posts many tutorials on sewing projects, some DIY projects, and if you go way back you will find some really amazing paintings she's done.  

This is one of the newest blogs I've started following, and I'm already in love.  She is the mommy to three little boys, a thrifty shopper, runs a jewelry business out of her home, and also covers many DIY projects.  She also gets real about life as a mom of three, her personal struggles, and her faith.

photo by Kara Mercer

I've mentioned this one before.  She is an artist, through and through.  She does amazing watercolors and is losing her sight.  After reading a single post from her, I felt connected and found that she was able to put words to thoughts I found I had been harboring but couldn't explain.

 photo _MG_0465-2copy-2.jpg

When I first stumbled upon this one, I thought it was solely a fashion blog.  Boy, was I wrong.  This mommy of three talks about tough issues including miscarriages and insecurities, and gets real about how her faith sustains her.  Several of her honest posts have encouraged me to open up about my own insecurities and allowed me to realize I'm not alone.  I also found out that she paints as well as takes beautiful photos of her children.

saturated canary digis

Right now, this blog is my favorite read.  This tatted up momma of two recently decided to homeschool her kiddos.  She is an artist- on her blog you can find her truly adorable characters.  She covers everything from the fun, quirky moments with her kids, to her faith and what she is learning about God and how He is working in her life.  She just returned from a trip to Haiti, and I'm telling you guys- reading her blog has seriously spurred on a great deal of movement in my heart to follow after our God, even in the small quiet moments of life.  (One of her posts is what made me pull out my copy of Captivating and dig into it.) 

Friends- I cannot say enough wonderful things about these blogs.  I honestly check my homepage each morning hoping to find something new from each of them.  I hope you take the opportunity to follow the links and give them some reading time, and maybe check out their beautiful art while you're there!

That's it for today; I'd rather you click on over to some of these for longer reading. 



Monday, May 5, 2014

Grime and Sunshine


A couple weeks ago I went to the mall to make some returns, and decided that I'd stop in and have my rings cleaned.  After checking my rings, they told me they needed to send them in to have some stones tightened and some prongs thickened.

As soon as I handed them over, I felt completely bare, like my identity had been taken off at the same time.  Silly, I know, that my identity managed to get so wrapped up in a piece of jewelry.

Well, I got my rings back this weekend, and I honestly hadn't realized how dirty they had become.  Let me tell you- they are especially dazzling right now.  They just needed some TLC.

That's kind of how life goes isn't it?  When little stuff adds up slowly, we don't notice the grime that eventually coats our life, our personality, our outlook, our relationships.

One of the attributes of women that Captivating covers is how relationship-oriented they are.  How it is what drives them.  Something that stuck with me was when they mentioned that men can go months, even years without evaluating the health of relationships.  It's not because they don't care about their relationships, it's just that their nature is different.

Sometimes, when I ask Jered to talk about our relationship, I feel like maybe he heard me asking him to discuss feminine products.  Totally disinterested.  I think that women, being relationship driven, have an innate ability to feel, if not see, the grimy build up that occurs over time, and that leads to us even desiring to discuss our relationships.

(Of course, this is where I would point out to my loving husband, that this trait in me is a revelation of God's personality.  It is part of his character that he placed in the hearts of women to project his image.)

On to the prompt, yes?  Today is about a childhood memory.  While I probably have other memories I could detail more thoroughly, the first one I thought of that I felt like describing was of a special Christmas morning.

The morning had gone by like most of our Christmas mornings did.  Nothing stands out in particular, perhaps because of what happened later.  Katie and I were both in elementary school, so it's safe to say we received some dolls or stuffed animals.  I got a gigantic Scottie Pippen jersey and some flannel pajama shorts.  

Anyway, as always, we finished opening presents, and set about picking up the living room, trying to leave as much of our plunder neatly stacked as we could, so that we could show our grandparents when they came over for brunch.

Mom sat down to open one final gift after they arrived.  It was for the three of us girls.  Katie and I plopped down in front of her.  We sat in the warm sunshine that streamed in across our living room floor, as she pulled out a large blue dish,a large red dish, and a strip of flat, purple rope with a silver chain attached.  A leash and collar.  

Hysteria.  That's what I remember.  Complete and utter hysteria, until we were told that we should probably go take a look in the back of Grandma and Grandpa's car.

Katie and I ran down the front steps in our fluffy, new slippers, across the lawn that was only freckled with Christmas snow, and came to a halt outside the car when we saw her.

A big, golden-brown-eyed dog that was obviously just as excited to see us as we were to see her.  Her name was Sheba, and she was a beautiful, young, German Shepherd- Malamute mix.  She had the coloring of a German Shepherd, but with a more slender, softer body shape.  

I don't think Katie or I had ever been so ecstatic in our lives up to that point.  (Let's face it, Mom was probably more excited when she brought us home.  Hahaha.)  Dad had always been firm in his stand against having a dog, so Sheba was a complete shock to our systems.

I just remember wanting to pet her soft fur all day long, and crawling around after her for the entire afternoon.  As time went on, Katie and I would dress her up in our own clothes, take her on walks, force her onto the foot of our beds until she slept there by choice, and played tug of war with her ratty, old dog toys.

Dad has given us some really stellar Christmas gifts.  However, I don't think anything will ever compare to Sheba.  The joy we felt that morning was beautiful.

Well, until next time,
